Friday, May 1, 2020

The last of the 30 Word Challenge

It's cold. It's bloody cold. 

It's the first of May.

We're still in Stage 3 Lockdown.

I'm making Barney's mum's lemonslice later today to take round to them on Sunday. 

I'm pondering whether I need to change out of my ugg boots to go the supermarket later. It's that cold. I'm wearing ugg boots. 

And I managed to do all 30 days of the Writers Victoria April Flash Fiction Challenge. 30 days, 30 words. 30 thoughts. It's a great thing to get the creative juices flowing.

Will need to find another creative challenge for May. 

Today's song. Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge.

Day 8: A song about drugs or alcohol

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