Saturday, May 2, 2020

Edna's Lemon Slice

Weekends have me baking at the moment. Normally it's just a chocolate cake for Chance and Lance, also known as The Units, also known as Maow Maows brothers. They turn ten today. It's been my job over the years to make birthday cake. It's one of those joys doing this. They seems to like my bog standard chocolate cake, with chocolate icing and smarties on top.

Making things a bit different on top of the weekly chocolate cake I've been dropping round there since lockdown started, I'm trying my hand at making Barney's Mum's infamous lemon slice.

Edna's lemon slice is orgasmic. It's got a reputation across Australia as one of the best things to come out of Launceston in decades. Whenever Blarney and Barney go back to visit, the invariably come back with a tin full of slice which last for about a week. When Barney was at university, his friends would raid his lunchbox for this venerated slice. Edna's slice has been mentioned on the news (One of their friends is married to one of the newsreaders here in Melbourne.)

Edna's Lemon Slice is legendary.

And I've been entrusted with the recipe.

The thing is, I got the recipe and I've already gone and played with a few things.

Edna's recipe asks for a packed of Marie biscuits. I'm sorry - Marie biscuits are the worst. Nope. I've changed they up to Nice biscuits. That's what I make pie crusts with, they are a step for slice. Crumb up the biscuits it says. Mix the biscuit crumbs with a cup of desicated coconut. I only had shredded coconut. This is probably a deviation which will get me into trouble.

Then mix in the rind of one lemon, the juice of one lemon, 125 grams of melted butter, and half a tin of condensed milk. Why half a tin of condensed milk I don't know. What do you do with half a tin of condensed milk is beyond me (other than eat it and fall into a sugar coma - but that would be going in a most wonderful way) .

Once mixed, press the mix into a 25 x 18 xm pan.

Mix up some icing using icing sugar, a knob of butter, lemon rind and lemon juice. Ice the slice, then slice.

I'm still considering putting in a thin layer of lemon curd between the slice base and the icing.

But this might be seen as sacrelige.

I've finished the slice now. I'll see how go tomorrow when I drop of the slice and the birthday cake tomorrow.

Regardless, it's been fun.

Today's Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge)

Day 9: A song that makes you happy.

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