Friday, May 29, 2020

And yet another Friday night

I used to live for Friday nights. I used to go out. See people. Do people. Have fun.

Then I got a bit older, by Friday night, you're knackered. Friday night used to be movie night. I'd take myself off to a 6 pm session on the way home from work. But we can't do that at the moment.

So it's Friday night and I'm at home with my friend Baileys and my ironing board. I'm ironing an article in the pile, writing a paragraph, taking a sip of Baileys and checking Twitter.

It's quite sad, really.

The floors are done, the ironing is nearly there, it's 11 pm and this is what my life has become.

At least the weekend is looking a little more social.

Tomorrow, meditation, a coffee catch up, a walk, then Blarney is coming over to meet Lucifer. I might make a cake for her.

Sunday is writing day - and Pump day. And I've got a card reading in the afternoon.

In the scheme of things, it's a busy weekend.

But there's still a part of me that wishes I could go out and cut loose. Or see a movie. Or go out to eat.

Ah well. It will come.

It's Friday night. One can't be glum on Friday night.

Today's song:

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