Saturday, May 30, 2020

May Check In , June Goals

I know, I'm starting early and the month is not quite up, but I'm going to do my goals and check in a day early. Mostly because I really have nothing to write about here, but also I am trying to get some novel preparation done. It's easier to get this out the way now. Besides, there is only one more day left in the month.

So here we go. May. How did we do?

1) Walk 80 kilometres over the month.

This has been completed. Jonella was doing a walkathon challenge for the MS Society. I came along for the ride. As of today, I've walked 85 kilometres. All is well. Mission accomplished.

2) Read four books. 

This will be done. I'll knock off Carrie Tiffany's Mateship with Birds tomorrow. I've nearly fished that. I also finished Charlotte Wood's Animal People, Max Porter's Lanny and Jane Harper's The Lost Man.  So this one got done too.

3) Get 15000 words of the novel written

I've written about 10000 words as of today, but in my defence, I've got a lot of preparation work done - which is just as important. In some ways, I'm writing better than ever. It's hard work this course. It's hard work writing this novel.

4) Work on my flexibility

Yeah, didn't happen. It needs to happen. Next month.

5) Biting the bullet and working on the diet. 

Made some headway here, not enough, but some. Working from home means I'm being a lot more careful about what I'm eating - and I'm not buying in crap. More needs to be done, but I am happy that I'm not overeating and being kind to myself.

6) Get that 'new' computer running and transition off this laptop.

Done - and loving it. Found a friend who know what he was doing on the Telstra home email side of things and he got it fixed in ten minutes. It's a lot faster than my old machine. I've also got most documents in the cloud so it's been pretty seemless.

And now for the June goals:

1) Get 15000 words of the novel written.

That's 500 decent words a day. That's doable. Also there's only two weeks of school left until later in July, so there is no excuse about class time making things hard.

2) Walk 90 kilometres in the month.

I enjoyed the walking. I know it's Winter now, but I want to do this. I can do it. Weather might make it a challenge.

3) Write down everything I spend.

This is a good goal. I've got a really lean month this month as I've got a few big bills coming in. It's easy if you do it ever second day.

4) Read four books.

I like this goal. It's keeps me reading.

5) Mop the floors once a week, hoover twice a week. 

A cleaning goal. Yes. boring, I know.  I berate myself for not doing the floors. Now I have a cat, they really should be done more. I'm okay at hoovering once a week, but with the kitty litter his lordship tosses out of his tray, it needs to be done more.

6) Make two new dishes for dinner. 

I'm sick of everything I'm cooking at the moment, and this month, as it's a lean month, I need to eat at home. If they're vegetarian, even better.

Wish me luck - it's all acheivable.

Today's Song:

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