Thursday, May 7, 2020

Best Self Card: Changes in Education

Best Self Card: If you could go back, what would you like to change about your education?

We can't go back in time, and that is a good thing, but when it comes to education, there are some things I think I would like to do over.

So here they are:

1) When I was in primary school, I was offered the chance to apply for a scholarship at one of the private schools in town. I wasn't allowed to take the test - I wish I did take it. Life would have been very different if I'd gone to a different school. I'd be interested to see where I would have ended up.

2) At uni during my undergrad years, I wish I did drama rather than politics in first year. I love drama and ended up hanging out with the drama nerds at uni, who were much more fun. But this was the late eighties. University wasn't the same as it is now. Changing subjects wasn't as easy. I think I would have thrived in drama.

3) I wish I'd applied myself more at university the first time round. Again, it was the late eighties and I had absolutely no idea about the world. It always amazes me what I can do when I apply myself.

4) I wish I'd started my masters earlier - though I've made awesome friends out of the course I did.

5) I wish I could find the time to go and learn French properly again as an adult. My French is okay, but I wish it was better. I found out as an adult I'm good with languages.

6) Oh how I wish I got piano lessons as a child.

I feel like I've been in school most of my life, but looking back, these are a few things that if I had a do over, I'd be doing now.

Today' Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge)

Day 14: A song you'd love to have played at your wedding:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pand,

    I wish I had made more of an effort with languages too. At 16 I was pretty proficient in both French and German but gave them up at that point and only vaguely pursued them since. I'm currently trying to teach myself Spanish too. Great choice of song for a wedding day too.



