Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I've been asked to get another 1000 words out tonight for my make up class on Saturday morning.

So blogging needs to be cut short.

I had a mentoring session this evening.

Tonight's notes include:

  • Show the school scene - too much explaining
  • Use the voice in the bar scene - you've nailed it.
  • Get your characters to interact with the environment and other characters
  • Your characters have to be sympathetic and believable to keep people reading
  • The plot will come - but get a loose plan in place
  • Don't explain too much of the back ground - let it come in naturally.
  • Go in with confidence - you can do this. 
Oh, and don't put in the bar scene for workshopping, there are a few clunky sentences but it is pretty much there. 

So the pressure is on. I'm writing a scene about an Uber ride to Toorak. And just like the bar scene, I need a can of WD-40 and a crow bar to prize them out. 

But it's nice to hear that I'm writing a bit better. 

So back to my character, and Uber driver named Vladislav and a trip down Punt Road.  Fun. 

Today's Song: Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge

Day 27:  A song that breaks your heart

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