Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Isolation Tactics

We have good days. We have bad days. And we have days like today which are just meh.

I woke up feeling meh.

I don't like feeling meh.

And I know it will pass and it's a matter of riding this out accepting that  not all days are created equal.

But I' a bit meh.

I have work to do, but that's meh (It's okay but it's hard to get enthusiastic about it).

And this is okay. This working from home lark means taking every day as it comes. Some days are good. Some days are bad. It's just with this isolation, everything seems heightened. You can't use most of your normal distraction tactics

However one of them stands up well.

After admitting to my manager that I was having a meh day, meh to the point that I nearly wanted to take a mental health day, I soldiered on, wiht the proviso that I could go for a long walk at lunchtime.

Which I did. Seven kilometres around Richmond. Bought cat food then made my way through the streets to get a coffee at my shopping centre, stopping for a chat with one of the shop owners (the soap guy wasn't there) then home.

And thankfully, the mehs had gone. Replaced with the joys of being frantically busy and being on the phone until six p.m. Oh, then school started at 6.30.

At least things aren't boring.

And at least I've got an understanding manager who gets that this stuff, this being locked in your flat day in day out is not as easy or as fun as it looks.

Tomorrow is another day.


Today's Song: Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge

Day 26:   A song that makes you want to fall in love

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