Monday, May 18, 2020

On a Promise

My colleague is having a big birthday today, and today was the first day I've really missed being in the office, mainly because we didn't get to celebrate with him  - even if he did take the day off.

It's the little rituals that I'm missing. An occasion like this would demand cake, if not lunch and maybe a drink. Big birthdays required libations. But not today.

I sang happy birthday to him over the computer. I had a nice chat with his wife and daughter - we all do a bit of this, talking top people's kids, dogs and cats over the computer. I tried to persuade him to have a cruisy day - which we did for the most part. It certainly wasn't as intense as the other days we've had of late.

But it's not the same.

And really, this was the first time I've missed being in the office.

I'll make him a round of my yoyo biscuits when we finally get back there - which I reckon is still a few months off. I think his wife will keep me to this promise.

But for the moment, we just make do with these makeshift arrangements. It's still strange, but I'm amazed at how easily we've all adapted.

Today's Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge)

Day 25: A song you like by an artist no longer living.

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