Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Black Feathers Meme

Sunday afternoon. We're still technically in lock down, but I am heading over to my friend's place later to cook her dinner later (She's just out of hospital you see... we keep social distancing and she's got a hankering for my chicken and mushroom risotto).

I also have to get some stuff done for school. And I have an hour of work I need to do.

Anyway, here is this week's questions, supplied as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?

My ultimate preference is to write with a fine point black pen. It doesn't mean you can read my handwriting, but that's what I like. You have more chance of reading my writing when I write with a finepoint black pen.

2. Do you prefer living in the country or the city?

I do both quite happily. What I can't do is live in the suburbs.

3. How do you drink your tea or coffee?

My stand coffee order is an almond decaf latte. Standard tea is taken with a drop of milk.

4. Do you prefer bath or shower?

I adore baths, but as I only have a shower at home, I have to take what I can get. I have a bath any opportunity I can. Normally with a gin and tonic and a book.

5. Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?

Again, I do both. The kindle is great for travelling, but really, nothing beats paper.

6. Would you ever want to be famous?

Only a famous author. I'm too introverted to be famous. I'd rather be notorious.

7. Are you a restless sleeper?

I don't think so. Once I'm out I stay asleep, even though I don't sleep all that long (5-6 hours)

8. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

Nothing that out of the ordinary. Kangaroo - hells yeah. I love pickled herring. Pigeon and whitebean stew in Spain. The  Durian sweets from Asia. I'm an adventurous eater, but I can't think of anything that odd.

9. Do you like cereal crunchy or soggy?

Definitely crunchy. I hate soggy cereal.

10. Do you like ice in your drinks?

In cold drinks, absolutely. Not beer or wine, but I go through a lot of ice here.

11. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?

I love playing in the sea, but prefer to swim for exercise in the pool. I'm not fond of going out of my depth in the ocean.

12. What can you hear right now?

The telly is on in the background. The cat is having a snack. My neighbours are having a clandestine Mother's Day picnic in the garden downstairs. There is a little traffic noise - and the tapping on my keyboard.

13. Where do you feel the safest?

In a house with other people in it - though I feel very safe at home. Strange fact, I tend to sleep longer and better when there are other pople in the house.

14. What would you like your legacy to be?

I have no idea, but I like the thought of leaving behind a best selling novel.

15. Do you like spicy food?

Absolutely. Does spicy food like me - not always. I have to be careful around things made with coconut cream. I like chilli and spice as a rule.

Today's Song: (Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge.)

Day 17: A song you'd sing a duet with someone at karaoke


  1. Oh--I love your duet choice!

    And I didn't think about the type of black pen, but I do like a fine tip pen, also.

  2. Hi Pand,

    Somebody at work made a Durian cake as an experiment. She said it took ages to get rid of the horrific smell in her house. Worse, she tried it and hated it, so she did the only thing she could do. She brought it to work to inflict upon her beloved work colleagues.

    It was disgusting though some weirdos loved it.

    I was NOT one of those weirdos. That's why I would never ever try Durian sweets.




  3. I like all the sounds you described being able to painted a vivid picture of the moment.

  4. You're the second person today who mentioned durian. Sounds weird.

    And I love Stevie Nicks.

  5. I need to travel more...everything in #8 sounds strange to me. I am betting Kangaroo is good though. If I had more money I would get out more I promise. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!
