Monday, May 11, 2020

This week

How is it I'm just as busy in lock down than I am just as busy as I am when I'm not confined to my flat? Why is it so?

Maybe it's because I'm feeling it more because I'm not running about - but the drain on my time continues.

I've still been able to see my trainer, Cleo. We meet at a nearby park twice a week. It's a bit dark and cold, but we still manage to get a decent workout.

Then there are the evening zoom meetings. There is mason's stuff. Two Wednesday's a week there are are meetings. Plus some other admin stuff, which means sitting in front of the computer once again.

There's book group once a month. This isn't a chore. As we're all home we can actually hear each other talk. The last meeting was really cool.

Occasionally, I might get to have a chat with a friend. If I'm lucky.

But I'm really feeling the busy-ness of my life at the moment. Maybe it's because I'm stuck in the same chair, in front of the same computer screen all day every which makes the day seem longer. Even though I do make sure I get out, I'm feeling locked down. The litte trips outside help, but still.

Part of me craves a holiday - that will come at some stage. There's nowhere to go at the moment.

I know that lockdown is starting to wane. We can go to people's houses now without fear of being fined. No toughing or hugging, but we can go and see people on a limited basis - and people can see you.

I think I'm over being in the one place all the time.

I need a bit of variety.

Oh well, like everything, this feeling shall pass.

Today's Song: Brought to you by the 30 Day Song Challenge

Day 18: A song from the year you were born.

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