Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Ironing Gene

I have the ironing gene. I got it from my mother's side, or maybe just my mother, who's a even more of an ironing freak than me.

There are things that must be ironed. These include:

  • Duvet (doona) covers
  • Pillow cases
  • Tea towels
  • Jeans (no creases are put in them)
  • t-shirts
  • Shirts
  • Office wear
  • Nightware
Okay, the only things I don't iron are underwear and the occasional dress which is made of material that doesn't crease. My mother had been known to iron socks and jocks. I think she's a bit mad on this front. 

It's something I've done all my life. While I was at uni, I made some extra money doing the ironing for my aunt and uncle. The only time I lived with somebody, I used to do his work shirts. I liked doing his work shirts, I don't know, I just felt a sense of pride when I did them. He never asked me to do them.

Now I just find it relaxing. I need the telly to be on. I like using my special ironing water (it's scented demineralised water - you get it from Coles). I have a good iron. My Mum replaces her ever two or three years - mine's about five years old. but I paid a bit for it after the other one clapped out.

The ironing board cover is replaced every few years.

And after two days of sitting in front of the laptop for work without much of a break, then having school and other meetings in the evening, all I want to do is iron. But I'm too knackered to do so and enjoy it. I'm going to go read a bood and cuddle the cat instead. I'll iron tomorrow night. 

I also know that I've probably lost any street cred I may have had before.

Ah well. I'll listen to The Wombats instead. 

Today's song:

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