Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I'm taking stock of today.

It wasn't a bad day really. It was a productive day. A busy day. A long day. A day where:

  • I was up at six and walking around the Botanical Gardens with my friend by 6.45. 
  • The pea souper fog made for great photos
  • I got a coffee before coming home from the walk - always good. They know my order. 
And then I sat in front of the computer for the next eight hours on calls to credit and compliance. 

Yes, another day with credit and compliance.

Kill me now. 

I logged off nearing six p.m. I would have been off earlier, but one of my systems, umm, in technical terms, shat itself, undoing a few hours of work. That will get sorted in the morning. 

I then rustled up some dinner, then got back on the laptop for school. School was great, but it was really hard with a fried and tired brain which really would rather have been watching telly on the couch.

But after being at the computer from 8.30 am to 8.30 pm, blogging anything sensible was not going to happen. 

I need a gin and tonic, my yoga mat and a sleep.

Hoping tomorrow is a better day. 

Today's song:

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