Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Sabotage Questions

Another weekend. Jonella just came round for lunch, which I cooked - and it was awesome. I haven't had anybody in my flat in months. It's great to just have people around again. The risotto wasn't bad and the cat behaved himself - indeed he was sociable.

On the not so great side of things, I'm heading off to Blarney's soon. Unfortunately, Maow Maow will not be with us for much longer, so I'm preparing myself to say goodbye. I love that cat, but his time is nearly up. It's very sad.

Right, so as I have to go soon, better get on wtih these questions, which have been provided, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

Umm, yes. I wish I could kiss him sooner, but he's up in Sydney, and at the moment, interstate travel is pretty much forbidden. I miss him terribly. I don't admit to this very often.

2. What’s the closest thing to you that’s red?

I have my red comb sitting in front of me. I've had this comb for over three decades. Love that comb.

3. Did you meet someone new today?

Not as yet - these are pandemic times. I did meet a very nice cocker spaniel puppy on my morning walk. Does that count?

4. What are you craving right now?

A proper cuddle. Sex. Human touch. The cinema. Live theatre.

5. What comes to mind when I say “cabbage.”


6. What does your last text say?

'Cool.' I was making arrangements with Jonella for lunch.

7. Do you bite into your ice cream, or just lick it?

A bit of both. If it's a choc top I bite through the chocolate, then lick. If not, I tend to lick ice cream off a spoon. I have a nice tub of Jock's Nougat ice cream in the freezer - Jonella and I had some for dessert today.

8. Do you like your hair?

Yes. I like that its curly and that it sometimes does what its told. I like its length too - its rather long at the moment.

9. Do you like yourself?

Yes. This has taken a very long time, but yes. And it feels good to say that.

10. Do you like cottage cheese?

Not really. The creamed cottage cheese is okay, but I really don't like the curd stuff - looks like spew. No thanks.

11. What are you listening to right now?

I've got some telly show on in the background. I'm also listening to my fingers on the keyboard.

12. Is there anything sparkly in the room where you are?

My house keys are quite sparkly. I'm not a glittery sort of person.

13. How many countries have you visited?

Now, let me see: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece, The USA, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Indonesia (Bali), Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore. India.

I make that 17 if you count Great Britain as three separate countries.

14. Are you sarcastic?

Is the Pope Jewish? Take that as a yes.

15. Have you ever crawled through a window?

Yes. During my university days. I got up to a lot of trouble back then.

Today's Song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    Lucky you being able to have friends around. I miss that.

    And yes, I count the UK as made up of separate countries - so 17 it is.




  2. I agree. I walked down the street a couple of days ago to visit with a friend. We sat and talked in her home for 2 hours. It was wonderful...nearly as exciting as Christmas morning!

  3. I’m also a bit jealous that you get to see your friends.

  4. I think meeting the puppy counts.
    Pand, I would love to travel, but I just do not have the money. I agree, I think it would be good for the soul. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  5. The puppy counts. I think you could count the USA as at least two separate countries, if not oh, I don't know - 15?

  6. The puppy definitely counts in a Pandemic!

  7. Oh, puppies count, definitely. I'm sorry to hear about Maow Maow. And so very jealous of your travels.
