Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Best Self Card: The Bucket List

Strangely, as I'm writing at novel with death as a theme, I haven't made my main character  do a bucket list, and I probably should.

I don't have a bucket list - but this is a good opportunity to have a think about what I would like to do before I die.

Not surprisingly, most of my bucket list items have something do to with travel.

And as I'm tired and sick of sitting at this computer, I'm going to list this and move on.

So, the Best Self Card reads : Write down ten things for your bucket list.

Here we go - in no apparent order:

  1. To fit into a size 14 again. 
  2. To walk the whole of the Camino de Compostella de Santiago in Spain.
  3. To live in New York, preferably in Manhattan for three months. 
  4. To have dinner at Attica and Vue de Monde with some great people.
  5. To have a couple of books published and well received.
  6. To spend a month in Ubud doing Sound Healing training. 
  7. To learn French and Spanish to a decent level of fluency.
  8. To own a house with a back yard big enough to have a golden retriever and another cat or two. 
  9. To spend a good few months in Italy, Spain and the South of France just mooching around. 
  10. To return to Paris with a lover. 

Okay, there you go. No explanations, nothing really big in there. Just somethings I want to do.

Now I need to go to bed. It's been a big day and I'm knackered. But I'm back in the gym and that is good too.

(And interestingly, I did this card about six months ago- there are a few new things on here, a few that have dropped off - thought it felt familiar)

Today's song:

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