Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Team Meeting

I like days like today.

The morning had me doing arbitrary work tasks. Nothing too arduous, a bit of writing, a bit of reading.  I made myself some lunch. Just a regular day.

Just after three, I went out, in preparation for my team meeting with my one up. This made a change from the normal team meetings which are held over our video conferencing app. My one up had to pay a visit to a local hospital for some tests. We decided to have our weekly meeting at a pub near the hospital. And why not. He was in the area. Kill two birds with one stone. We got our team meeting. He had his medical tests. We both got out of our home offices for a bit.

I'm also partial to holding meetings in coffee shops and pubs - they're normally very productive.

According to the website, the pub was open. It's a 20 minute walk to this pub.

This is the first visit I've had to a sit in place since restrictions eased. Being the middle of the afternoon, there was no trouble getting a place to sit.

We signed into the pub - over an app so people can't see your details, but making your details available for contact tracing if required.

We conducted our team meeting in the front bar. My colleague had a glass of the house red. I had a gin and tonic - the house gin - Prince Albert gin. An easy drinker. Nothing to do with genital

The fire was going on the other side of the room. There was a footy match on the telly. It was 3.30 on an Tuesday afternoon so there were only a handful of punters.

And for an hour and a half, things felt a little normal. Just being in a pub, with a drink in hand, on a midweek afternoon, talking to your colleague at a socially appropriate distance was the respite I needed. In our defence, we did talk about work for some of that time.

But it was just nice to feel a bit free for a little while.

Just like this scene from The Shawshank Redemption:

Today's song:

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