Monday, June 22, 2020

The Return

I went back to the gym today.

It's a bit different now to when we left it:

  • It's not a 24 hour gym at the moment. 
  • It's not open on Sundays at the moment.
  • You have to book ahead.
  • Yoy're not allowed in if you're sick. 
  • You have 50 minutes to go to do your workout.
  • They kick you out after 50 minutes - and they are strict about this
  • You have to the designated area you booked
  • You have to bring your own mat if you want to work out on the floor
  • You have to bring two towels - one for the equipment, one for your face
  • You must wipe down the equipment with wipes once your finished. 
  • There are no showers available for use
  • Nor water fountains - bring your own water
  • But you can use the loos
  • There is hand sanitiser stations all over the place
  • And it's cleaner than I've ever seen it
  • Classes are set at 45 minutes - and they are rare. 
  • Towels should be laundered immediately when you get home. 
And despite all of this,  I've never been more grateful to be inside the gym. 

We were in the pin-loaded area tonight as the grunty boy section was booked out. 

I greeted the leg press, leg extension machine, the cables, the cable row machine, the lat pull-down machine and the sled track like old friends. I've even missed the sled track.

And then, after 50 minutes, we said farewell to Cleo - and went on our way.

Jay and I still have our leased Body Pump equipment. As Pump classes are few and far between, we'll hang onto those for a few more weeks. It's been great having this fitness option.

But I've never been happier to be back somewhere - though working out with Cleo in the park has been wonderful - it's getting a bit cold at times.

So now, it's back to the gym. Let's hope everybody plays by the rules and we get this Corona genie back in its bottle. I don't want the gym taken away from me again. 

Today's Song: 

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