Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Creature of Habit

My cat doesn't like me.

I broke the routine.

Today, I spent the day in bed. His bed. He's wasn't overly happy about this. See, I'm allowed in his bed between the hours of midnight and seven a.m. where I've got the role of sleeping support officer. He normally snuggles up between my knees to keep warm. It's cute. It's sometimes a little uncomfortable. It makes turning over in the middle of the night a bit difficult, but as he's slept with me from the day he arrived, I'm not complaining. (I also sleep better hen I have somebody with me - even a cat).

Last night I was up every hour on the hour, racing to the loo. It's been a crap 24 hours. I finally remembered the Indian Survival it in my medicine cabinet - all the drugs I took with me to India just in case things went south. In the kit there is:
  • Imodium (for the runs)
  • Hydralyte (for rehydration)
  • Claratyne (just in case there's an allergic reaction to something)
  • Paracetamol
  • The magic tablets which stop you getting the runs when you're in India (Travelcalm) - you take them before you eat - they're amazing. 
  • Antibiotics (also as a just in case)
I've nearly exhausted my supply of Imodium. But it's done the job. 

At 7 a.m. the cat demanded to be fed. 

At 8.30 a.m. I called my boss to say I wouldn't be logging in today. 

And the rest of the day was spent in bed, much to the cat's displeasure. 

He's a creature of habit. Normally, between about 8-10, he plays zoomies, runs about, sits by me in the windowsill and growls at the birds and thinks about eating.

Between 10 and 4 he sleeps on the bed. 

From 4 pm he starts to bother me for dinner. He gets fed at 6 pm. I've told him this, but he doesn't believe me. Every day he starts asking for dinner early. He's stubborn.

After his dinner, he again sleeps, or comes and talks to me. Normally a mix of the two.

Today, spending the day in bed, I was treated like a bit of a pariah. I was walked over, stomped on, stared at. I was told at regular occurences to get out of the bed. He wasn't happy.

He's a creature of habit. My need to stay in bed today upset the apple cart. At present, he's under the blanket at the end of the bed, sulking.

At least I'm feeling better now.

All will be back to normal tomorrow.

The cat will be happy about that. 

Today's song:

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