Thursday, June 4, 2020

Reasons to be Cheerful

After two days of gastro, barely leaving the house for three days, only having to cat to talk to I'm up on my feet again.

Yet with all of the crap in the world at the moment, it's time to take stock of things. Look at the good things.

So here we go 20 good things about life:

  1. I get to work out under the stars in the park with my trainer. 
  2. I've lost three kilos thanks to gastro.
  3. I don't have to pack myself onto crowded public transport of a morning. 
  4. My friend Shervin posts songs on Facebook. He's an earthbound angel. 
  5. That Australia has this virus largely in check and things are starting to open up. Long may it remain. 
  6. There is something to be said for wearing trakkie dacks and t-shirts to work. 
  7. My novel writing class is intense, but fantastic at the same time. 
  8. I have fast broadband at home. 
  9. My pussycat only wakes me if I'm not up after 8 am - and then he's pretty gentle with it. 
  10. My pussycat warms the bed at night. I get into bed and there's a warm spot. (It's his bed really)
  11. The air is clearer due to less cars on the road. 
  12. There's been good rainfall this year - long may it remain. 
  13. Cafe's are starting to open again. 
  14. I'm not in America.
  15. I'm not in England. 
  16. HRT is a good thing. 
  17. I have a job that goes through until next year.
  18. I work with lovely people. 
  19. When work gets a bit much at the moment I can lie down on the couch for ten minutes or go talk to the cat. 
  20. The barista at my coffee shop knows my order on sight. 
These are little things.

But in this crazy mixed up workld, other than posting unflattering memes about Trump and Scummo, there are a good things to focus on.

Right, bedtime. Still a bit fragile from the gastro. Early nights are still needed. Besides, I've been called to bed.

Today's song: 

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