Friday, June 12, 2020

Lemon Delicious Pudding

It appears I have a new go to dish.

I'm the friend who brings dessert when I go round to friends' places for dinner.

I'm known for it.

My cassata, an ice cream confection with brandied cherries in cream, chocolate muddled ice cream, vanilla ice cream and almond toffee is pretty incredible.

I make a mean chocolate cake according to Blarney's boys.

Alice loves my lemon polenta cake - that always goes down a treat too.

But I've now started making that old standard from my childhood - Lemon Delicious Pudding. (Recipe in the link),

I used to love this as a kid. I love anything lemon. Lemon Meringue Pie, Lemon Slice, Lemon Gelato... but Lemon Delicious Pudding is awesome. It's not too heavy. You can have it with lashings of ice cream or cream with it. It is very morish. It's just great.

And it's easy to make.

Today, I went old school. As I was working from home, the pudding needed to be made between edits and meetings, so I was doing everything by hand in front of my computer. Creaming the butter and sugar, grating the lemon peel, adding the egg yolks, folding in the flour, the milk, the lemon juice. Then pulling out my grandmother's egg beater, whipping the egg yolks into submission and folding them into the batter.

My grandmother would be very proud of me. No electrical equipment required.

But then again, I'm a baker at heart, it comes to me easily.

I'm just glad I get to bake for my friends.

Today's Song:

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