Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What I Got From Writing Group Tonight

It's either write about writing group or write about my watch strap breaking this morning.

Writing group lucked out.

We're on school holidays at the moment. The Faber Academy have given us until 21 July off from class. We all need a break. It's been intense - really intense over the last three months. It's also been awesome. The group of people are fantastic. We're all writing different things. A couple of cyberpunk writers, a couple of historical novelists, a few fantasy writers - and me - and I come under the guise of literary dystopia - fun fun fun. Oh yes, and the woman writing Nana Porn - which I love she's funny.

So we made a  pact, over the holidays, that we would meet on Tuesday, check in, do a bit of workshopping and catch up.

Tonight was the first session of our independent workshopping. No tutors, just us.

And it was really useful.

There were only four of us there. Our post-modernist, one of the historical writers, a fictionalised biography writer and me.

I've been working on a scene which I put in this morning - its a bit heavy. It involves a baby's funeral (I said it was a bit black). I needed to write this out. I've had this story in me for over 25-years. For the novel, it's describing what my protagonist does not want.

On the good side of things, the gang normally like my stuff - and most of what I've shown so far has been blackly comical - this piece not so much.

I got my feedback. And it's good to get pointed feedback.

So, to fix my piece, some of the things I need to do include:
  • Change the scene from high winter to high summer.
  • Try and get my savage voice back - which is a bit hard when you're writing about a baby's funeral.
  • Look at the structure of the piece. 
  • It was questioned as to why I needed  the scene - I got to defend this.
  • Maybe amp up the friends - I have my main character.
  • Maybe go on a recon mission to either Preston, Melbourne or St Kilda cemetery to get a better view of things. Recon can be good. 
  • Otherwise keep going. 
So more work to do.

But it is wonderful to have people to write with who want to see the best for you and your writing - just as I wish the same for them.

I'm so lucky to be on this course. One of the best things I've ever done to date.

Today's Song:

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