Monday, June 15, 2020


Blarney and Barney have two new kittehs.

She got them from the second-hand kitteh shop, but hers are littler than mine.

They came home to their place on Saturday. It's taken two small kittehs to take Maow Maow's place.

Their names are Kylo and Rey. The Units named them after Star Wars characters.

They are from the same litter.

They are tabbies. Kylo has spots. Rey has stripes. Kylo is slow to warm. Rey is bolshie. Both sat on my chest and purred when I picked them up.

And as much as I love my darling Lucifer, there is something about kittehs which are just the best. And they will come and stay with me one day in the near future, and heaven help the planet then...

So these are my new friends Kylo and Rey. I think they are pretty awesome. And they will grow into their collars one day.

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Rey asleep on my shoulder. 

Today's song:

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