Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Household Meme

Get this done now. Get some real writing done, then go out to Blarney's - I'm making dinner while I also get to acquaint myself with their new kittens. So I best get on with this. The cat is on the windowsill trying to help.

Questsion, as always, from Bev at Sunday Stealing.

 1. How many gravy boats do you have in your kitchen?

I don't own a gravy boat. I can't remember the last time I made gravy. When I was a kid I think.

2. Do the clothes in your laundry basket need ironing?

No. I finished the ironing last night - all done.

3. What is the last thing you wallpapered?

Other than the wallpaper on my computer screen, I've never wallpapered anything. I'm not a bad interior painter though.

4.  Wooden floors or carpet?

I'd love to have wooden floorboards in the flat - but I'm fine with the carpet.

5.  Why do we put out guest towels if no one is supposed to use them?

I only leave out guest towels when I have guests.

6.  If your spatula could talk, what would it say about your duvet?

That is a really stupid question. Next.

7.  Have you replaced the batteries in your smoke alarms this year?

Yes. It's law that the landlord come and do it annually. The smoke alarm guy came in February.

8. If you could put thyme in a bottle, what is the first thing that you'd like to do?

I have thyme in a small container ready to go out to Blarney's with me tonight - I put thyme in my chicken and mushroom risotto.                                     

9. Do eggs really crack or do they merely have a nervous breakdown?

Daft question. Next.

10. Why are you whipping the butter? What did it ever do to you?

Whipped butter spreads more easily than the normal stuff that comes out straight from the fridge. This is good enough reason.

11. Do your spoons spoon in the drawer? Have you ever noticed? And more importantly, if wooden spoons spoon do they get splinters?

I look at people with tidy cultery drawers and ponder how they have so much time to do such strange things in their lives.

I have three wooden spoons. One for sweet stuff, one for savoury stuff and one for Asian cooking. Saves getting strange flavours in the sweet stuff.

12. You hear: "Dumpling, my Dumpling, come hither." The candles are lit, the fondue is dipping, the Godiva is pouring, the scallions are steaming and the music is playing.....but wait, the windows are open.  Why did you close them?

No idea what they are talking about. Next.

13.  Do you need a recipe to cook or are you a bohemian chef?

I'm a bit of both. Normally I'll cook with a recipe if I'm making something new - then I'll wing it after that.

14. Is your pot black?

I have a black cat shaped flowerpot on the kitchen windowsill.

15. What is the sexiest spice or condiment in your cabinet?  What makes it so?

Cardamom. It's just decadent and unexpected.

Today's song:


  1. Your recipe sounds really good!

  2. I'm with you on the cutlery drawer. Every time I open ours I think "this really needs cleaned out and organized." I've been thinking it for a couple of years. So far, nada.

  3. I have numerous kitchen drawers and cabinets that need to be cleared out. I've lived here 33 years. The last time I had a young friend help me clear out my spice rack, she started laughing because the date on some of the spices pre-dated her birth. And she's 22.

  4. silly questions require silly answers, and I need a laugh today

    I empty the dishwasher cutlery by dumping it into the drawer
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  5. Your recipe with thyme sounds lovely. Enjoy your outing.

  6. Cardamom. Yes! I need to get a bottle. I make Indian dishes often and have to skip recipes that call for it because I don’t have it.
