Monday, May 31, 2021

May Check in - June Goals

 Lockdown: Day 4

Mood: Level

It's that time of the month again - time to see what I've got done this month and get some goals going for the next month. 

So here's what I set for May.

Read four books:

Blitzed this one. I finished six books this month, and thankfully only one was a crappy romance. 

So I read/listened to: 

  • Romancing Mr Bridgerton by Julia Quinn (Crappy romance)
  • On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (Some of the best prose I've ever read)
  • Working Class Boy by Jimmy Barnes (I just want to give him a hug)
  • All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton (A very special book)
  • Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid (On audiobook, with a full cast - it was superlative. Now I want to read it in print. Great book)
  • The Wife and The Widow by Christian White (Crime novel - really enjoyable - even thought it's not my preferred genre)

See a film a week:

Pending and lockdown and lockdown scuppered this one. But I saw two films. Six Minutes to Midnight, and June Again. The latter was better than the first one, but the first one was interesting from a historical standpoint. Hope this lockdown ends soon. I want to see Cruella

Walk 100 kilometres.

I've got this on default. As I haven't done a complete tally of my scheduled walks, but I have taken a tally of my fitbit and I'm at 190 kilometres as of the end of yesterday. Not a bad effort at all even if only half of it was scheduled 'walks' - but I walk a lot. With lockdown, I make sure I get in my 10000 steps and I've been doing regular five kilometre walks - some days, I've been doing more. 

Just write.

I've been doing this. And I'm getting somewhere. Yay. 

Minimise discretionary spending:

I've been pretty good with this too. There have been one or two small slips, but I've been good with not buying crap on the internet. A treat runs to a packet of white chocolate raspberry bullets. 

And my goals for June: 

Read four books. 

I really like sticking to this. My reading is under control. I know I have to re-read Honeybee for book group this month and I've just started the last of the Hilary Mantel's The Mirror and the Light. With this lockdown probably going to be extended, it's something to aim for. 

Exercise an hour a day

A bit of a no-brainer this one, especially as it keeps me sane. 

Eliminate as much sugar from my diet

This is the big one for this month. I've slipped down the sugar path again and it's time for it to stop. Time to be hardcore. I want this. (I will have to be good for the weekend away down the Great Ocean Road, if that happens - I hope it happens). 

Have the Masons books 90% done by the end of the month.

It's a necessary evil. I get these dreadful admin jobs. The sooner I can get it out the way the better. Not having a printer at home makes it a bit harder. But the sooner they are out the way the better. 

Have two vegetarian days a week. 

This is something I want to try - and it shouldn't be too hard to do. 

Limit discretionary spending.

Alas, I'm going to be in povo mode for another month. Again, this won't be too hard if the lockdown remains. 

Today's song:

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