Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Yeah Yeah Yeah

Lockdown: Day 5

Mood: Yeah

I'm looking for the good things today, considering it's pretty much a given we'll remain locked down for at least a few more days after Thursday. 

And I'm counting my blessings:

  • I have a job. 
  • I have a roof over my head
  • I can pay my bills
  • There's food in the fridge
  • I can shelter in place
  • I have friend who check up on me
  • I've got a nice river to walk along
  • I have nice workmates who I can chat to and swap pet stories with
  • The latest installment of Lucifer is really quite good (Handjobaliel - an angel - love it)
  • I have friends who are in my 5 km bubble who I can go for a walk with
  • There are friends I can zoom to have lunch with
  • I have a cat (Not sure if this is a good or bad thing)
  • I've got lots to read
  • I've had my first COVID vaccination (Astra Zeneca - second one due early August)
  • I have lemons and I've made soup
  • I've still got the weights from the gym from the first lockdown so I can do personal training in the living room over the computer
  • My mental state is stable
And for all of these things I am very grateful, and I'm very, very aware of my privilege. 

And I just have to keep telling myself this. 

Everything is going to be alright. (Listen to this - it's awesome)


Today's song: 

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