Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Early Mornings

Why is it, you have to wake early, so that you can dress, scrape your hair into a ponytail, roll on some deodorant and leave the house (after feeding the cat, of course - can't leave home without doing that) to make it to the new gym to meet your trainer at 6.45 in the morning.

There's been a change of location for training. Cleo has left the gym and is now working out of a small studio in the next suburb. There are good and bad things to this. 

Bad things first - the studio is located on a very busy road - but as we train out of hours, this isn't too bad. There's client parking out the back. But it does take another ten minutes to get there from home. It's also in the school zone, so between 8 am and 4 pm the roads are overun with Large SUVs and women with expensive blonde hair. The gym I normally go to is five minutes away, attached to a shopping centre and there's ample parking. 

It's also up two steep flights of stairs, but I can live with that. 

This morning, we trained early - and it was really good. Thankfully it wasn't too cold outside - mind you, only the rowing machine is outside, on the balcony. 

It's quite fun watching the sun come up when you're outside. This is the view.

It was a one on one session as Jay doesn't train in the morning - I don't mind so much. Set up the day well. 

Except we have to listen to Cleo's music. She's more R&B, I'm more rock. I like working out to The Pixies and Blondie. She's more a Rhianna and Florence in the Machine type. Ah well. 

And another trainer and his victim client at the same time. There was enough room for us to work out without getting in each others way. 

And after 3 x sets of squats, seated rows, twisty walking lunges, chest presses, leg raises, one minute rowing sprints, single leg dead lifts, wood chops, leg presses and mountain climbers, I was allowed to go home. Stopping at the shopping centre for a coffee and a bit of grocery shopping, I was home by 8.30. After a quick shower, I was at the work desk by 9 am. 

Being up early reminded me of how much I like seeing the day in with exercise. Now Cleo is at this new place, maybe this is my opportunity to start doing classes early in the day and get some value from my gym membership. 

Well, we can think about it. 

Today's Song: 

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