Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Maintain the Rage

     We are the hollow men

    We are the stuffed men

    Leaning together

    Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!

T.S.Eliot is ringing through my head. The quotes you see come from his most wonderful poem, The Hollow Men. It was written nearly 100 years ago. It's still pertinent. 

The Hollow Men rings in my brain when the Federal political shitfuckery is dialed up to eleven, and with the return of Barnaby Joyce to the leader of the National Party, you could say that the clusterfuck of this alleged "Good Government" you have to wonder what else will happen. (Sorry, using all my good words today)

It was surreal enough to see him sworn in at Government House with Morrison looking over on a large television. Allegedly Barnaby 2.0 is a better man - though when you shoo away your three-year-old from a photo opportunity, you sort of have to wonder (Couldn't he do a Malcolm Turnbull and sweep the kid up in his arms? Of course not. Photo courtesy of The Age)

    Here we go round the prickly pear

    Prickly pear prickly pear

    Here we go round the prickly pear

    At five o'clock in the morning.

So Barnyard the Beetrooter is back as our Deputy Prime Minister. Joy. 

What does it take to get these people to go away permanently? Flame thrower? Baseball bat?  Friends in the Painters and Dockers Union? A sense of integrity. 

Ah, these joyous National Party members. Great people they are. 

Let me have a think about this. 

Barnaby left three years ago under the cloud of sexual harassment

Oh, and the deputy leader of the Nationals, Bridget McKenzie, she was responsible for the Sports Rorts scandal that had her removed from cabinet. 

Then there's David Littleproud, the Agriculture Minister who seems to be selling off all the water, basically killing the land from the Queensland border down. Remember those series of events where fish were ending up dead in the rivers. Yeah, he was the water minister at the time. Natural event, nothing to see here.  Oh, yeah, he was one of four MPs who voted against Same Sex Marriage. That he stood up and voted this way says something. It beats the pricks who abstained from the vote - Mr Joyce, Mr Morrison... I'm looking at you. )

Poor Michael McCormack. For an MP he made a great Elvis impersonator. Though not a bad thing, he must be known for more than making banal statements and looking good as a later Elvis. Other than opening his mouth to change feet, he wasn't that effective as Nationals Leader. 

Oh, there's Senator Matt Canavan, who tries to come across as everyman on breakfast telly. Very occasionally I will bend to his opinion. But it's like when you end up agreeing with Bob Katter. You want to go check yourself into a psych ward. 

And don't get me started on the Member for Manila, George Christiansen. At least he's not contesting his seat at the next election. Good riddance I say. 

Here's a full list of the LNPs shitfuckery. It's long. Grab a drink. 

   Between the idea

    And the reality

    Between the motion

    And the act

    Falls the Shadow

What galls me is the fact that these people are supposed to be representing us. 

What the actual fuck!

Surely we are better than this. Surely. Surely there are some people out there who can come to serve on government with a sense of integrity, pride and forethought. People who aren't just there to line their own pockets and the pockets of their mate. The people who have a plan for five, ten, twenty-five and a hundred years in the future. 

    This is the way the world ends

    This is the way the world ends

    This is the way the world ends

    Not with a bang but a whimper.

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. Maintain yr rage till the end of the year. If we re elect them, we will become a climate change denying pariah state. We will deserve the derision.
