Saturday, July 31, 2021

July check in - August Goals

 I'm exhausted. After a day out with Catherine Deveny, Jenny Valentish and the Gunnas discussing Memoir all day, being in a room with other people, I'm knackered - but it was great. Just being with other people, sharing a common love and goal, people I'd never met before, but bonded with felt wonderful, but it was bloody tiring. 

But I'll write on this soon, as I've got other things to write about tonight, as it's the end of the month and it's goal setting day.

So, how did we go this month?

July Goals:

I was a bit kyboshed this month as we were plunged into lockdown on 15 July so it made a few of these things a bit hard. Anyway, here goes. 

Read four books. 

I managed two and a half. I got through all 38 hours of the audiobook of Hilary Mantel's The Light and the Mirror, and my book group book, Tomasz Jedrowski's Swimming in the Dark. I'm halfway through Sarah Krasnostein's The Trauma Cleaner and I'm still persisting with Andrew Sean Greer's Less. But I'm good with this. 

Have the masons' books to the Auditor by the end of the month.

Didn't happen. Tomorrow looks like it's going to be wet. I just need to stubborn myself into this and get the bloody thing done. 

Have somebody over for dinner or something

Also didn't happen - we're still not allowed to have people other than care-givers, bubble buddies or intimate partners in your house. So it didn't happen. The Law says it can't happen. C'est la guerre. 

Enter the Richell Prize and the Varuna Fellowship competitions

Done. Happier with the latter entry, but it is done. Maybe somebody will see some value in my fledging novel - andyou have to be in it to win it. 

Use the gym three times a week

Again, the lockdowns got in the way of this, but I managed to remain active. The gym opened again last Wednesday, but I jacked my knee on Thursday evening. I might to tomorrow to do some upper body stuff. The knee is nearly back to normal, thanks for asking. 

Limit discretionary spending

I've been good at this - and will keep this up. Not going into town daily helps keep the bucks in the bank.

Post a black and white photo a day

Done. I love black and white month. Just love it. 

Cows in the Bathroom, La Luna Bistro, North Carlton

Dawg, North Carlton

Lucifer on his throne. 

And August's Goals. 

August is birthday month, so I go light on the goals, because it's birthday month and I give myself some slack. 

Anyway, here goes. 

Read four books. 

I do this most months, so all is good with this. 

10,000 steps a day (or an accumulated 310,000 steps over the month)

I've joined a challenge at work - 10,000 steps a day for the month of August for a breast cancer charity. I like challenges like this. It will keep me active - and honest - the Fitbit doesn't lie. 

Finish the Masons' books

Yeah yeah, I know. Must stop procrastinating on this one. 

And have a happy birthday. 

Well I can only try. 

Today's Song: 

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