Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Fun and Unexpected Topics

Day one of the joyous 10,000 step challenge for Breast Cancer research and  it's just after midday and I haven't even made 1000 steps yet. Never to mind. We have a lot of the day to cover. 

Interesting title for today's questions, so let's see how interesting they are. The Sunday questions, provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Have your ever driven drunk or even slightly buzzed?

Unfortunately, I have to say yes to this. Not that it's a defence, but it was when I was in my late teens, at university, after a College Ball and a group of us decided to watch the sunrise from the top of Mount Lofty. I drove this bloke's hulking great Falcon as I was the most sober of the lot of us. In hindsight, stupid, stupid move although nothing happened to us (thank goodness). I'm very anti-drink driving. My father was nearly killed by a drunk driver when I was in my teens. Now, I'm old and sensible and won't drive if I've had more than two glasses of whatever on any given night. I cherish my life and my driver's license too much to do anything else. 

2. What was the funniest moment in your life?

Okay, I can't think of a funny moment, as there have been lots of them, but, I can remember the time I could not stop laughing. I was working at Tincan, String and Whistle, a telecommunications company. This superbowl advertisment was going around. All I will say is that I sat next to 'That Guy'. I howled with laughter for at least half an hour - laughed so hard I thought I was going to crack a rib.

3. What kind of things really makes you laugh?

English humour. Daft things. Irony. Blackadder. Dog's facial experessions. My cat when he's in zoomie mode. 

4. If you could jump into a pool of something, what would that be?

Water. Seriously, I'm happy to be in any sort of water. If you can't find water, then a pool of gin and tonic would be cool. 

5. Which habit are you proudest of breaking?

I'm very happy to no longer berate myself on an hourly basis. I've got good at reigning in negative self talk. It's a battle, but it's getting there. I'm also very aware that I don't have to apologise for everything all the time. Excuse me ore pardon me works better than sorry. It doesn't negate you as much. 

6. Which animal do you find the sexiest of all?

This is a bit of a strange question. What animal do I find most aethetically pleasing? That would be any type of cat - particularly tigers. They're gorgeous. 

7. What’s the weirdest nickname you’ve ever had?

I used to be called Skippy in the office of the merchant bank, in which I worked. I'm Australian, they call you Skippy - original, much? 

8. What do you wish you were really good at?

May things. Writing. Playing the piano. Having people over for dinner. Running. I'm mediocre at many things, but I always wish I learned to play the piano as a child. 

9. If you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be?

Who says if I was a dog. I am a golden retriever. I hoover up food. I'm mostly happy. I like to cuddle. I have long hair. I'm just not blonde. 

10. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

In the early noughties I threw in my job and moved to a Greek Island for a few months. Is that spontaneous enough for you? 

11. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time, or would you go to the future? 

I'd probably go back in time, maybe change a couple of things, take the other train, go in the other door. You know, just right those small actions which set forth an avalanche. I have a pack of tarot cards for the future. 

12. What was the last show you binged-watched?

I'm currently working my way through House M.D. Got a bit of a thing for Hugh Laurie at the moment (it's those eyes).

13. If you had to rename yourself, what name would you choose?

I'd probably go by my Twitter Handle, Trellawney Thom. Yes, it's a bit strange, but as Pandora Behr is my pen name, but I like Trellawney - pays homage to my Cornish roots and it's a bit different. My real name is about as boring, white and anglo as you can get. 

14. What did you in the summers when you were growing up?

I don't like summer. Summer is boring. It's hot. We used to swim in the water tank when it was really hot. From the age of 14 I worked in the local general store. Sometimes, we went to the beach. Still not a fan of summer. 

15. If you go to a restaurant and have terrible service, is it ever okay not to tip?

In a word, yes. But let me clarify this for the Americans reading this. Over here, we pay our wait staff a living wage so tips are optional, and depending on the experience, you'll leave a tip of say 5-20% of the bill if you want to. But it's not expected. So yes, if you get awful service, you don't have to feel like you have to tip. I know I'll not tip mediocre service without a second thought. 

Today's Song: 

Today's Cards: 

The Enchanted Map:  Intention

Archetype Card: The Goddess

Cards Against Humanity: What broke up the original Wiggles? An M.Night Shyamalan plot twist. 


  1. I'm still laughing at that video. The woman screaming... that's me
    I always love your answers...

  2. Loved your answer to #10! I kind of did that when I was younger, but I didn't go anywhere near as fun as the Greek Isles. I did quit my job and moved to Kansas City though, which was about 4 hours away.
    That SB video is so funny. I laughed really hard when "that guy" came on. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.
