Friday, July 9, 2021

Little observations from a boring day

The competition gods are smiling on me and extended the Richell Prize entry date until next week - making me feel less crap about my entry. So instead of madly editing my entry tonight, I've got a little more time - and this has got me excited about writing again. But I'm flailing to find something to write about tonight. This is one of the joys of being committed to writing a post everyday. 

So here are some sensory things I've been thinking about.

Today's black and white photo was taken on the way to the gym last night. I'm really enjoying working in the black and white format. I'll never be a photographer, but I really enjoy doing this. 

My stomach muscles are aching. Fifteen leg lifts three times, plus three rounds of Russian Twists will do that to you. It's almost as good as the feeling of knowing you can do fifteen leg lifts three times over - though the last round was tough. 

Walking in the sunshine, by the river, at a time when the tow path is nearly empty is a joy. It makes the weekly team meeting go quickly. 

Who knew Baileys mixed with a bit of Mr Black's Coffee Liqueur could be so yummy. This was discovered by chance at team drinks tonight. I couldn't decide whether I wanted Baileys or Mr Black to drink. 

And nothing tastes better than a baked bean and cheese toastie on a cold night. 

And my beloved cat has the silkiest pelt and the fishiest breath, even though I don't feed him fishy dinners. 

That will do. 

Today's song: 

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