Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Float

We hadn't done this since well before COVID came and made our lives all topsy-turvy. Then a while ago, Jonella said she'd like to go for a float and I said yeah and we went halfs in a four float pack, which brings the float price right down. 

And today was the first opportunity we had to get to the float place. There are lots of them around, but we've always gone to Elevation Float in Camberwell. It's meticuculously clean. It's reliable. And they do good packages, like four floats for $150. 

After a lovely morning of meditation, brunch with friends, a bit of housework and cat cuddling, I went and met Jonella at the float centre. After a chat, we were taken into our individual rooms. Having done this many times before, once the door to the room was locked I stripped off, had a quick shower to rinse off the day, shoving some earplugs in the ear canals, then hopped in the tank, half-filled with water infused with magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts). Once the tank, the lid shut, light inside the tank turned off, you let yourself float for the next hour. The salt-infused water means there is no way you're going to sink, The light in the room is a sensor light, so that turns off after about five minutes making it pitch black in the egg-shaped tank. And it's all but silent in there. 

And you are floating in body temperature water, in the dark with very little sound. 

It's the nearest thing to heaven that I can think of. 

For an hour, you're free to let your mind roam. Or sleep. Or masturbate. Or whatever you want to do. You're floating. Nothing really matters - okay, the cat scratches sting a bit in the treated water for the first minute or so. 

Me, I find myself taking inventory when I'm in the tank. Rather than overthink, I plot and plan with this time. Work out where next. I think about plots and characters. It's the ultimate me time. What could be better. The world can't get you while you're in there. 

After an hour, some music rouses you, the light is turned back on, you get out, shower, wash the epsom salts out of your hair, dress and go have a cup of herbal tea in the foyer. 

And for me, this is as good as any massage - if not better. Your muscles flop. The brain switches off. And the sense of peace and relaxation is second to none. 

I'd forgotten how good this floating lark was. 

And now, I'm sitting in my oodie struggling to write because I'm that munged out. I was supposed to be going out tonight - cancelled that. I'd rather stay in this state of deep relaxation. Being nice to people I don't know in Carlton was not condusive to relaxation. 

If you haven't tried it - give it a go.

The benefits of floating last for days.

Today's song: 

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