Sunday, July 11, 2021

That's my answer

 Another weekend, another quiz. I've just been to see Black Widow, with friends. I'm so glad we've got the cinemas back - Sydney is now in lockdown and not doing that well. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you ever feel completely rested and unrushed

Strangely, I had an hour in a floatation tank yesterday. I can't remember the last time I felt that wonderful. Cancelled my plans for the rest of the day after that and spent the night in my oodie chilling out. It was wonderful. 

2. If you had to wear all white for the entire day, how long before you spilled something on it?

Give me about ten minutes. I avoid wearing white because I'm just sloppy and messy and stuff always ends up all over me. 

3. What would you include inside of your emergency kit?

Hmm. If it was an existential emergency kit, I think I would have: 

  • A small bottle of decent gin and some good tonic water
  • Some Fry's Turkish Delight
  • A couple of charged up mobile chargers and a charging cable
  • Some satin ribbon
  • A copy of TS Eliot's poems
  • A copy of Ulysses
  • A hairbrush
  • A snuggie

4. What’s more fun than a barrel full of monkeys?

Now that was a great game from my childhood. I preferred Operation and Monopoly, but I played a lot with the barrel of monkeys as a kid. 

Oh, I really don't like monkeys. Vicious little sex pests. 

5. Is it hard for you to let go of certain things, even if you have too many of them?

I'm getting a lot better at letting things go. It's taken time, but I'm getting there. I rarely give up on people - but even that I'm getting better at this. Sometimes, it's just easier to let them go. 

6. When was the last time you were ready to throw in the proverbial towel? Did you end up letting go, or decided to fight on anyway?

Oh, that was probably letting go of dream group quite a few years ago. After a lot time sitting in the dream group it wasn't working for me. It took me a year to work up the courage to leave. Thankfully those in the group are still friends, but it was hard to walk away from it. It helped me no end. 

7. What is the color of awesome?

Bright pillar box red. It's my favourite colour. 

8. What is your favorite black and white movie?

It's a toss up between Casablanca and Citizen Kane. Of recent films, The Artist was pretty wonderful. 

9. If you could describe your mood in a color today, what color would it be?

Silver. It's been a fairly transcendental day and silver seems about right. 

10.  If you could wish for anything and it would come true, you wish for?

True love? World peace? A bit lottery win. At the moment I'm just wishing for a better, more sensible Federal Government and an end to COVID. 

11. What are some of the wacky things that you like to do?

I don't think I'm that wacky. But I like reading and movies and going to plays. I also like running the gin club at work and collecting boutique gins - and little elephants that sit on my shelf. 

12. If you could have any author –living or dead – write your biography, who would you choose?

One of the following: Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood or Richard Flanagan - I love all their writing and I'd love to see what they could do with my little life. 

13. If you could be a “fly on the wall” anywhere and at any time in history, where and when would you choose?

After reading the Wolf Hall Trilogy, I'd love to be a fly on the wall during the time of Henry VIII, just to see what realy went on. 

14.What is the last thing you made from scratch?

I cook from scratch most of the time when I cook. Last week I made a chicken and mushroom risotto for lunch for the week. Very tasty. 

15. When we are able to travel again, where would you love to go?

There are too many places on the list. I'm overdue for a trip to England. I want to do the North of Spain. I want to get over to America to see Reindert. And of course there is always Ubud, in Bali, for a week of yoga and other great things. I miss travel. 

Today's song: 

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