Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Peak Lockdown

Snap Lockdown: Day Five

Mood: Over it

Yep, I'm reaching peak lock down today. 

I do Peak Melbourne regularly:

  • I order a wanker coffee (Okay, it's a large, almond decaf latte - but it's still a bit of a wanky drink)
  • My motto is "Life is too short to drink Gordon's gin" 
  • I'll wait half an hour for a toasted sandwich at the hippy sandwich shop round the corner (but in my defence, Hector's Deli sandwiches are the bomb.)
  • I wear a LOT of black
  • And bright red lipstick
  • Doc Martens and motorcycle boots are appropriate office footwear
And it goes on. 

But today I've reached what I think is my peak lockdown:
  • Instead of walking to the coffee shop (well it is raining) I made myself a baked bean and cheese toastie for breakfast
  • And brewed my own coffee in my little stove-top coffee pot (Vittorio decaf with almond milk and a dash of vanilla essence - see, I can tell you that because I'm a Melbourne wanker.) 
  • I've got Ugg Boots on my feet. 
  • I'm wearing trackie dacks. 
  • And a hoodie which reads, "Sorry I'm late, I didn't want to come."
  • Tonight's book group will be held on Zoom (Nothing new there, besides, where else can we go?)
  • I've got three friends in 14 day isolation.
  • My gym is classed as a Tier One site after being at Tier One sites.
  • And I'm going to attempt to make chicken schnitzels for dinner - I have panko crumbs and I'm not afraid to use them. 
Okay, I'm not working on a jigsaw, or trying to do mosaics or ceramics. I've got three books on the go. I've been binge watching House of late, and have developed a bit of a crush on Hugh Laurie - then again, I've always had a thing for the Brits. 

But for now, I'll sit here in my hoodie and my trackie dacks and ugg boots and wait for the presser to see how much longer we're going to be locked up for. 

Gantry, Church Street, Richmond

Today's song: 

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