Monday, July 19, 2021

And so it goes...

Snap Lockdown: Day 4

Mood: Better for a gym session (in the loungeroom, over Messenger, with pilfered weights from three lockdowns ago)

The news aint good. It's not dreadful, but it's not good either. The lockdown will continue after tomorrow. 15000 people are under isolation orders. My gym has just been listed as a Tier One site. A couple of my friends were there during the designated times and are stuck at home for the next 14 days. There are dots all over Richmond now. My coffee shop remains closed. 

I'm still thankful I have a job, I'm solvent and I haven't been anywhere near these sites. And I'm glad I have a cat keeping me company. 

And sure, the writer's retreat will be postponed and the Patricia Piccinnini exhibition viewing will be delayed. A group of my friends have got tickets to a Friday Night session at the Art Gallery at the end of August, just because we need something to look forward to. 

This is just life at the moment. 

And so it goes...

Today's Song:

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