Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Thursday Thunks

Snap Lockdown: Day Three

Mood: Fine

Just keep writing says Dev, who is taking us though another Write Here, Write Now session. I have a packet of chocolate covered rasberries and a big glass of water in front of me. I'm just about ready to write about all sorts of things. On the good side of things, our numbers are staying steady. On the not so good side of things, there have been cases out of the city, which means this lockdown will probably go on for at least another week - but also in saying that, we're pretty compliant around here, and this is good. We are not Sydney - and by not being Sydney, we will hopefully be out of this sooner rather than later. Sydney has not learned the lesson yet it seems. This COVID lark is a complete pain in the bum.

I'm also very miffed that my long weekend away down the Great Ocean Road will probably be put off. Really not happy about this at all - but what can you do - the state is locked down. 

Anyway, enough moaning. Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Did you eat paste and/or glue as a child?

Yes, very occasionally, from memory. It tastes good. But I was the kid who put it all over my hands, let it dry, then peeled it off. I love peeling things off things. 

2. Look at the wall to your right, what is on it?

I have a couple of things on there. A big Theophile Steinlen's Le Chat Noir  framed print, a couple of water colour prints from Owen Traynor, a Mancunian watercolourist, and father of a friend of mine. There's also a big gold star on the wall, like you'd put on a Christmas tree.     

3. Do you put butter and/or salt on your popcorn?

Umm, I say both butter and salt on my popcorn, but I like it best when you get it from British cinemas and you can half sweet, half salty popcorn. That's the best. 

4. What does your favorite coffee cup look like?

I have a large white mug with a big A on it. It's a big mug and lets you have a proper drink out if it. No dainty tea cups for me. 

5. Would you rather have a pet hippo or a pet elephant?

A pet elephant. Elephants are cuddly, as I found out in Thailand. And they're not as agressive ads hippos, and they don't need as much water to live happily. Love elephants. I collect them. 

6. Toilet Paper - hard, soft, extra soft?

I've been buying the same soft, recycled, unbleached stuff for years. I don't do the Quilton or Kleenex stuff. The bog roll with frogs on it, that's my butt rag. So I'd go soft and leave it at that. 

7. Have you ever rescued/taken in a stray animal?

Almost. I found a kitten at the end of the street - I went home to get it some food and to find something to pick it up and take it to the vet, but it was gone when I went back. Mind you, Lucifer, my darling black boy, was rescued from a cat shelter. Best decision ever. 

8. If you realize your house is on fire while you are using the bathroom, do you wipe or just run for the door?

Wipe first. There might be hot firemen at the scene and you don't want to be untidy. There is always time to wipe. You might not be that thorough, but at least you are tidy. 

9. Now, if you only had $10 to buy one thing, what would it be?

I'd see if I could talk the barman at the local if I could have a gin and tonic with some good gin. It's hard to get a G&T with decent gin for under a tenner. Life is too short to drink Gordons. 

10. What’s your favorite type of potato?

Sweet potatoes. I can't discriminate between potatoes. I love all potatoes. Mashed, baked, boiled, Dauphinoise, potato bake, chips, hot chips.... potatoes.  Mmmmmmm

11. How long do you keep unmatched socks before you get rid of them... and how do you dispose of these socks?

About six months. I'm pretty good at not losing socks, ensuring a pair go into the washing machine as a rule. They rarely get lost that way. If I know the other sock has been really lost, like its mate has fallen out of the gym bag, then I will throw it out immediately. 

12. What was the last thing you took a picture of?

See below. It's a very cool car that resides just down the road from where I live. I'm doing a black and white challenge this July on Instagram. My insta handle is @pandorabehr if you want to have a look at my stuff. I love photography. 

13. Do you use a cookbook?

Sometimes, but not often. 

14. Bottled or tap water?

Both. Bottled and sparkling when I'm out, tap water at home. Sparkling water when you're eating feels fancy. 

15. Do you like pumpkin pie? Do you cheat and buy a premade one or do you make it from scratch? Heck, do you even make pumpkin pie at all?

Pumpkin pie is an American thing. I'm Australian. Pumpkin is a savoury thing - roasted with your dinner, or made into soup, and always made from scratch. I have tried pumpkin pie and I'm a bit indifferent to it. Sure, it's fine, but I prefer my mother's blackberry or apple pies. 

Vauxhall. McKay Street, Richmond

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I miss Amy Winehouse. What a great song. (I followed you on Instagram)
