Wednesday, September 15, 2021

After the Sacking

 Today was supposed to look like this: 

  • Get up
  • Go to work
  • Get a lot of work done before lunch
  • Go to the supermarket and chemist at lunch, getting a walk in
  • Do a lot more work after lunch
  • Sign off work computer somewhere around 5.30
  • Do an online stretch and high intensity class online at 6.30
  • Get some personal paperwork done tonight
But this was before the sacking. 

Just to put things to rest, it wasn't my sacking. All is well in jobland for me. 

But my colleague was let go from their contract. 

And yes, I can see reasons why this was done, but I don't like the way they went about it. 

Again, I won't go into details. It's not my story to tell. 

But the afternoon went from what looked fairly pleasant to something like this. 

  • No walk to the supermarket and chemist. 
  • No work done
  • Spent most of the time having my colleague hand over their unfinished work
  • Spent the rest of the time debriefing with my other team member
  • I got out a beer at 4 pm to have a final drink with the departing colleague
  • Then finally spoke to their one up at 5 pm - they were checking up to see I was okay (nice - and like, finally)
  • Then finally got to go for a walk to the supermarket and chemist
  • And missed my stretch class
  • And to soothe the frayed nerves, I ate a lot of ice cream. 
There's nothing fun about a sacking - a firing, a letting go, a termination of a contract... what ever you call it. Well certainly not when they get rid of you - it's a bit different when the contract is over - this wasn't the case. Having been let go on a couple of occasions, I know what it feels like. It's not nice, no matter the circumstances. 

It's left me rather frazzled and writing has not been on tonight;s agenda. Instead, I've put on The Thomas Crown Affair (the Peirce Brosnan version), had another gin and tonic and will ponder the fallout that's going to happen over the next couple of days. I'm also trying not to think about the avalanche of crap that's about to come my way. 

Thank goodness for gin, ice cream and a younger Peirce Brosnan. 

Today's song:

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