Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Dream Plan

I'm trying to look forward, but it's a bit hard. With all this COVID crap, the mason's books, the not being able to do anything other than wander around the banks of the Yarra and within the walls of my flat. I'm taking the chance to book myself a holiday in my head. 

Planning holidays is fun. Not that we can do that at the moment, but it is fun to plan these trips in my head, because heaven forbid, they might let us out of the country in a while. 

So, I'm looking at when this project is over - which may be anywhere between March and August of next year the way things are going. What am I going to do?

Well, in my head, I fly over to England. I'm well overdue a visit. 

And from there, after a few days in London, probably staying somewhere nice and Central to get reacquainted with the place. Maybe spend some time at my favourite old haunts. The National Gallery. The British Museum. Highgate Cemetery. Westminster Abbey. Postman's Park

Then it will be down to somewhere on the coast. In my heart of hearts, I wish I had a friend who could loan me their holiday house for a month. Somewhere in Cornwall would be lovely - Mousehole, Polperro, anywhere. I think the only things I really need are a big bathtub and WIFI - near the sea would be lovely. And I'd take up the offer of that holiday home and go there for a month and just write. Get some traction back on the novel. It would be good if the place was walking distance from a shop and a pub. And a big bath tub would be a great thing. 

But that's what I'd like to do. Just go away for a while. Write. Not have all the crap of work to think about. I have a month of holiday pay saved up - I just need to be able to get some time off and to be able to go away. Which is hard when you're locked down and under curfew orders.

I got sprung doing some daydream-planning today. On sharing my screen to my colleague I was looking at holiday rentals in Cornwall. 

We agreed that somewhere like this would be good - a little place looking over the sea. In another country. 

Of course, the cat will need to go stay with Aunty Blarney or Nanny (my Mum would love to have him back).

I'm using my daydreaming to get through some tensions at work. Thankfully it's not me causing the tension - I'm just stuck in the middle of it all and daydreaming is a good way to escape. 

This is what's keeping me sane. 

Today's song: 

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