Friday, September 3, 2021

Hard Topic: What is your favourite ABBA song?

Like most children born in the late sixties and early seventies, the first album I ever owned was ABBA Arrival, and yes, we then grew up and d;iscovered rock and alternative rock and the great plethora of music out there to enjoy.

But ABBA remains a stalwart, a daggy cousin that you shouldn't admit to liking, just as you keep your penchant for watching Days of Our Lives, snacking on Chick'n in a Biscuit or trying to hunt out those elusive Bubble 'O' Bill ice creams you had as a kid (Though on the latter, please give me a packed of Barbeque Shapes and a banana paddlepop).

We had a chat about this at work today. My one up, who's about twenty years older than me, and my team mate, who's my age. And we agreed, there is something very timeless about ABBA. We all know their songs. We can all sing along to them. They have created many a great earworm over the years. So I asked the question of my colleagues. What what their favourite ABBA song?

Now, that is a question. 

You can subscribe to the Muriel Heslop school of though that all ABBA songs are your favourite ABBA song. Muriel's Wedding did bring back a bit of a resurgence in the group's popularity. 

There are also those who don't have a favourite ABBA song until they find themselves singing one in a lift. 

For me, I don't think I could nominate a favourite ABBA song. It used to be Chiquitita until it was taken over by the McDonagh Brothers in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri when the cop goes into a rage. It's a bit like the song Stuck in the Middle with You. It's like you can't hear that song without imagining Mr Blonde cutting off that bloke's ear in Reservoir Dogs.  

Of Waterloo, my mind always goes to the Eurovision song contest. 

Mamma Mia takes me over to Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Oh I love that film - complete with its ABBA references. 

When siging Fernando, normally in the car, normally at high volume, I have to sing the alternative lyrics and it has to be off key, complete with a few howls - just because. My old dog used to like howling along to ABBA. 

Of my favourite ABBA songs - well, that would be a toss up between:

  • The Winner Takes it All
  • Take a Chance of Me
  • When All is Said and Done
  • Doesn Your Mother Know
  • The Name of the Game
Sure they're not the best known of their tracks, and if you have a listen, it's got all that wonderul stuff that ABBA is best known for - easy lyrics, early synthesised music and dodgy fashion. 

You gotta love them. 

And many secretly (or not so secretly) agree. 

And to think, after forty years, they've just released some new music and will be doing some avatar driven virtual concerts... heaven help the world. 

Today's song: 

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