Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Bong and other Observances

There is a bong lying on the lawn near my carport. Please remember I live in a block of flats and the back lawn is a common area. 

It's not my bong. I've never owned a bong. 

And I really like using the word. It's fun to say.


(Dong is a fun word to say too)

I don't know where the bong came from. It's not a big bong, nor a small bong. It has been used. 

I believe that many people get very attached to their bongs, so why it's sitting on the back lawn, discarded, feels a bit of a travesty, because bong don't belong on the wet grass in a back yard. It should have pride of place on some bookshelves in a student's room - for isn't that where you normally find bongs?

Then I think, do I rescue the bong? Or put it in the bin? Or just leave it on the grass where it's owner might want to come and collect it. I'm still not sure how in heavens name it got there? Did a dope fiend in one of the other flats come round for a sneaky smoke, then leave it there after a few quiet chuffs? Or was it a ditch and run? An angry girlfriend from on of the other flats turfing it over the fence?

I have no idea why there is a bong sitting on the back lawn other than it's not mine.

In other news, the supermarket was out of panko crumbs, or so I thought. It's time to make chicken pajamas (Chicken Parmagiana) again. I'll make the red sauce from scratch - a can of tomatoes, tomato paste, onions reduced down. I'll make the chicken schnitzels too. And I like using panko crumbs, not ordinary breadcrumbs - maybe with a bit of parmesan in there to for good measure. 

Anyway, in the Asian aisle, they were out of these posh breadcrumbs. But in the spice ailse, down the bottom, there were some European boxed panko crumbs. Not the bag of crumbs that come from the Asian aisle.I hope they work alright. 

Other observances:

  • New Lucifer episodes come out next Friday
  • Knitting cables is becoming easier
  • The inch of rain we had overnight has made the place smell better
  • And the cat is giving me longer cuddles and I love this too.

Yes, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel, and when you're talking about bongs, panko crumbs and ABBA you know that pickings are slim. 

Today's Song: 

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