Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Not Quite 100 Questions

 OKay, so it's Father's Day here and I'm feeling rather ambivalent about it all. My father died over twenty years ago, and we didn't have a great relationship, and yeah, I will just shut up now. 

We're still in lockdown. I'm over it. 

So I will get on with one of the joys of my life, the Sunday Stealing questsion, provided, as always, by Bev.

(And now it is twenty to eleven at night and I forget to do this - argh!)

1.What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?

I'm not much of terrestrial telly any more as all it shows is rubbish. If I am watching telly after midnight, I'll tend to turn on one of the streaming services and watch an old comedy - something like Frasier. 

2.Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?

The Eighties. Ah, the music for the most part - you cannot get better. 

3.What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song?


When it comes to classic rock, you cannot beat The Rolling Stones. 

4.What Disney villain are you the most like and why?

I really can't say - I haven't seen a Disney movie where I equate to the baddie. I do like Cruella de Vil, but I'm more like her in the film Cruella, if anything. 

5.Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?

I was a brownie for about three months. Then we moved to the country and there was no brownie pack down there. (Brownies are where you go before you became a girl guide. I'm not sure if they still exist. I was a Tintookie. That's all I remember.)

6.If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?

I'd rather fly. As much as I like boats, flying gets you there quicker. Oh to travel. 

7. What are three of your favorite dog names of all time?

  • Sheba
  • Henry
  • Bozley
The last two were my sister's dogs and I loved them. Sheba was my dog when I was a child and she was awesome. Mind you, every child of the seventies seemed to have a dog called Sheba. 

8. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?

Happy. I love rainbows. And I make wishes on rainbows. Always. 

9. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home?

I already live in Oz - well, Australia. If it's the Oz you get to by following the yellow brick road then I'd come home. The flying monkeys, the wicked witches and that creepy wizard - I think there is no place like home and we will leave it at that. 

10. What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:

Air: Supply - I'm all out of Love.

Meat: Loaf - I never want to hear Meatloaf again. Grrr.

Different: Strokes - I used to love that show. 

Pink: She is an amazing artist. Puts on a fantastic show, and her songs are great. 

Deserve: Love. 

White: Linen - which always reminds me of my aunt. She used to wear this - and Youth Dew. 

Elvis: Has left the building. 

Magic: Is everywhere. 

Heart: Corazon Melone. It's my mate's WIFI password and he explained it meant 'Heart of a Melon' in Spanish. Strange, eh?

Clash: Joe Strummer. London Calling

Pulp:  Jarvis Cocker (From the band from the nineties)

I'm not surprised most of these came out with musical references. 

Today's Song: 


  1. Lots of fantastic songs this week!!!

  2. Love your answers to the lists---using songs was really clever :)

  3. Good songs. I always liked that Blondie song.

  4. Great music and lots of memories here this week! Good to see someone else who thought of The Clash. I think we are all over this whole mess. If it turns out that this virus really was being developed as a weapon I hope there is a very special spot reserved in hell for those who were in charge.
