Thursday, September 30, 2021

September Check in - October Goals

 It's that day again. Goals day.

And September has been a shocker for goals. Things fell apart when my boss got sacked and work has left me drained - not something which makes for good goal keeping. 

Anyway, here goes:

September was a bit of a write off. 

Read four books. 

OKay, I did this one. I finished the following: 

  • Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason
  • Beloved by Toni Morrison
  • Song of the Crocodile by Nardi Simpson
  • Woman of Substances by Jenny Valentish
  • Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

10000 steps a day

As much as I've tried to stay active, didn't happen. Partly blaming the weather. Partly blaming work. 

Make a new dish. 

Yeah, didn't happen either unless you count making chicken parmiagiana from scratch for Blarney. 

Work on the novel for half an hour a day

Yeah, nothing got done at all. 

Watch one of those movies I've been meaning to knock off the bucket list

Nup, didn't happen either. 

And my October Goals:

Read four books.

I do like this goal. Currently reading Mrs Dalloway, andI've just started listening to a Bill Bryson, but the narrator has this awful, hokey Mid-West American accent which is very offputting. 

Try and close the rings on my Apple Watch at least 25 times in the month. 

The Apple watch works on a ring basis. My rings are set to an hour of exercise, a set amount of calories and standing for more than a minute each hour. It's a doable goal. And I can mix up the exercise. 

Attend that editing course. 

I've signed up for an editing course with Faber starting in October for six weeks. I will have to submit some of my work to an editor at the end of the course. If there is anything that will get me editing and polishing, this will. 

Go and have a picnic with somebody who isn't Jay or Cleo.

Just spending time with another human being in the flesh would be wondeful. 

Hoover and mop once a week.

These are my most hated jobs. Not that they don't get done - they just need to get done a bit more often. Especially as Lucifer is starting to shed at the moment.

Eliminate ice cream and chocolate

I started out last month so well - then there was the sacking and everything turned to crap and my sugar intake went up. It's time to get rid of it. Besides having a gall bladder attack earlier in the week, I've been put on notice.

Hoping this will be a better month (though not sure how, Mercury has just gone into retrograde again). 

Today's song: 

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