Friday, October 1, 2021

What to knit next

I'm still knitting during boring meetings when I'm not presenting. So far I've made five hats and two scarf - and I've just started a scarf for myself. 

There's a part of me that would love to have the time and money at patience to make myself a another jumper that I will never wear. Maybe a cardigan. Or maybe not.

The thing about lockdown is you can't go and handle the wool, buy the needles, go on a humt for the perfect project. Instead, you make do with online shopping. But it's not the same. 

I'm thinking once I run out of wool maybe finding yarn to make one of these. I've got better at cables and I like a challenge. 

I don't need to do this. I just like keeping my hands busy. 

Today's song:

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