Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Bun Toting Librarian

 It's Sunday. It's a nice day and we're still in lockdown, although things are starting to look up and there are a few relaxations coming in the week - we may go 15 kilometres from the front door from Wednesday, not ten. Wow. And we can meet five vaccinated people in the park for a picnic, not two. The 9 pm curfew still applies. 

The arbitrary rules around here are fun.

Questions, as always, brought to you by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.      When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

Oh my goodness I need my hair cut and coloured NOW! It's been nearly five months since I've had my hair cut and fully coloured and I'm hating not having my hairdresser. Hairdresssers have been closed since mid-July. People are looking pretty ratty at the moment. 

I think this every morning. 

2.      What shirt are you wearing?

I have a stripy grey and black long sleeved t-shirt on under my purple dress at the moment. 

3.      Do you label yourself?

I'm a bit of a nerd. I'm fat - though this is a fact, not a label per se. I try not to label myself , but it's hard at times. 

4.      What does your watch look like?

I bought a new watch for my birthday with the proceeds of my tax cheque and some money my mum and sister gave me. So I have an Apple Watch now, but I've got a leather strap on it as the rubber/latex straps irritate my skin. I'm loving it. 

5.      What were you doing at midnight last night?

I was about to go to bed. At midnight I was checking the door was locked and turning off the lights and thinking about reading a few more pages of my book. 

6.      Last furry thing you touched?

Lucifer my cat. He's sitting in the windowsill next to me. He's a lovely boy. 

7.      Favourite age you have been so far?

I remember 40 being really good. Your body lets you do everything you want to do, you've got the funds to do it, but you're not young and silly any more. 

8.      What is your current desktop picture?


It's generic but I think it's cheerful. 

9.      If you had to choose between $1,000,000 or to be able to fly what would it be?

At the moment, I'd take the million dollars. As much as I would like to fly, I'd also like to buy a house outright too. And then do a bit of travel when the borders open. (Unless you pay a lot of money and are willing to quarantine, they are pretty much letting nobody in or out of the country at the moment. It's been like that for 18 months. )

10.  The last song you listened to?

I'm watching the series Sex Education at the moment and I've just been treated to an acapela version of Peaches F*ck the Pain Away

11.  What do you do when vending machines steal your money?

Normally hit the machine and yell at it. Doesn't everybody do that. If I have a bit of extra coin on my I'll try again. Vending machines are terrible things. 

12.  Would you move for the person you loved?

Possibly. The circumstances would have to be right. It would need to benefit all parties. I've never been in that situation, so it is hard to tell if I would or wouldn't. 

13.  Name three things that you have on you at all times?

I will always have the following on me, or close to hand:

  • My phone
  • My glasses 
  • My wallet

14.  What’s your favourite town/city?

But there are so many to choose from. 

My spiritual home is London. Always has been, always will be. 

I also love Toledo in Spain, Boston, Massachussetts, Bangkok in Thailand and Paris, just because, but London is a special place. 

In Australia, though I come from Adelaide, and it's a good place, I love Melbourne. It's a really cool place. So much to do (when it's open...)

15.  Does anything hurt on your body right now?

Yes. Well it's a bit sore. My left shoulder and right knee both ache a bit. It's fine - exercise war wounds, but they're at least moving. Nothing that a bit of ibuprufen doesn't fix or take the edge off. 

Today's song:


  1. I find Australia's pandemic rules interesting. Here, in New Mexico at least, when we shut down it was "don't leave your house except to get groceries, go to work at an essential business, go to the pharmacy etc." Then they shuttered the restaurants, bars, theaters, and anything like that. And this state is one of the most progressive in the country in regards to the pandemic. I like the idea of limiting your travel to your locale, so to speak. I loved 40 too! Have a great week :)

  2. I'd enjoy living in a country where they take the pandemic seriously I think. I have to hide from all the people who demand their rights are compromised by getting a vaccine or wearing a mask. I always enjoy reading your open honest answers. LeeAnna

  3. I liked 40, too, it was fun--but I'm excited about every year! I'm lucky to be alive.
