Monday, September 27, 2021

Ten questions for Anti-Vaxxers

 This was a task received in yesterday's Write Here, Write Now session with Catherine Deveny, but I wasn't in the frame of mind to complete the task. So I'm doing it now. 

As somebody who is fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and who keeps up my shots for tetanus, whooping cough, typhoid and polio and gets an annual flu shot, I'm good with vaccinations. And I'm okay with the COVID vaccinations. 

I'm also up with people's right to choose, however I then don't get why people wouldn't want to be vaccinated. I've met a few stand outs recently, opting to wait to get their shots, and I have a few acquaintances who are anti-vaxxers, who I choose to shut down quickly with the words, "You're entitled to your opinion, but can we find another topic, please." 

It's not worth it. I choose to pick my battles. 

Anyway, what would I ask an anti-vaxxer, given that I was in the mood to listen to them and not roll my eyes or walk away in disgust? 

1. What does your doctor say about the vaccine? Have you asked a medical doctor about vaccination? 

2. Where do you get your information from? Can you document the websites / articles / instagram / facebook pages where you get your information? 

3. Have you lost any friends or family to COVID? Do you know anybody who has had COVID? 

4.  Is it just the COVID vaccination that you refuse to get, or are you against all vaccinations? Explain your answer. 

5. Seeing that it is likely that vaccinations will be necessary to travel interstate and overseas in the near future, how do you feel about the likelihood of not being able to travel?

6. What would make you change your mind about getting the COVID vaccination? 

7. Are there any other arbitrary social commitments for which you are against? e.g. The wearing of seatbelts, driving within then speed limits, educating your children, not littering in public. 

8. Do you believe any of the alternative treatments for COVID? e.g. ivermectin, light therapy, anything Pete Evans espouses. 

9. What do you think about the people who are actively trying to stop others from getting vaccinated / obstructing the system / making fake bookings and not turning up for appointments? 

10. If you don't believe in COVID, what then has killed and stricken so many people across the globe? How do you explain this phenomenon? 

As I said earlier, I don't want to inflame any debate. These are the questions I'd ask if I wanted to engage on anything more than a superficial level with an anti-vaxxer. I know on which side of the "debate" I reside. I'm not looking for an argument or answers. 

Today's song:

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