Monday, October 18, 2021

From today

Mondays are going to be long for the next few weeks. School after work is a great thing, but it's exhausting. Tomorrow, I need to be up early as I'm taking the car out for a service, only to bring a loaner car home, then returning in the afternoon to pick it up again.

It will give me time to listen to my book as I drive back and forth from Mulgrave. 

Anyway, as my brain is too fried to write much, here are three highlights from today. 

In editing class we had a visiting writer talk to us about the editing process. Tania Chandler was great. Gave us some great insights into being a part time author. She's written three books, all of which took her a few years to write. This give me a little hope. It was a great session. I'm so glad I've done this course. 

There were some wise words that came out about sensitivity readers. One of the girls on the course is from New Zealand, and identifies as Maori - it was great to hear her perspective on things - especially around sensitivity readers - which I probably won't be needing as most people think I'm quite insensitive. I'm also very aware that I probably don't have the skill to write about people from minority groups, or at least, I'm very creful when I do. 

A phone call was received just after lunch. A message was sent to my massage therapist saying "I WANT A MASSAGE". Rather than get an email back, he called me (Noting that I've been seeing my massage therapist for over ten years and we both like a chat.) It seems that massage therapists are coming back on the 5th of November, not in this first wave of openings with the hairdressers. I just want a massage. My knee and shoulder need seeing to. I'm also craving human touch. Regardless, it won't be long. I just want and need a massage. 

Looking forward to book group tomorrow night. I've finished the book, Jessie Tu's A Lonely Girl is a Dangerous Thing. I loved it, but I'm not sure what the rest of the group thought of it. I loved it's rawness and its unexpected nature. And the music. The lead character was a violinist who's favourite movie was Frances Ha. I liked the book enough to investigate the film. Okay, I've been wanting to see it for an age, and I'm very glad I did. Will give me a bit more fodder to talk about tomorrow night. 

Oh, and it's Jonella's 50th birthday today. For once in my life I had the forethought to get her a present, wrap it, and give it to her so she would unwrap it on the day. She loved what I got her, which is good. I sang her Happy Birthday at ten to nine, in my best out of tune singing, the way Happy Birthday has to be sung - unless you're Ricky Baker. 

And it's just occured to me that this is Hell Week. I've got smething on most nights this week. Tomorrow night, meet Cleo on the park, then book group. Wednesday, online stretch and High Intensity. Thursday in the Park with Cleo and Jay. 

Friday night, it will have to be done: 

It will be "Freedom Day" after all.

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. HI Pand,

    Is Friday really Freedom Day?

    I bet you can't wait.



