Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday Stealing: This side of the pond

Another weekend in Melbourne in lockdown. Hopefully, with the vaccination rates rising, this will seen be over. 

And we are having some restrictions lifted at the end of the week. I'm already booked in for a cut an colour and I couldn't be more excited. 

Questions, as always, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What's something you've recently accomplished solo?

Life. I've been alone all my life so you could say I'm accomplishing life solo. It's just what I do. I have done a lot of knitting my myself over the last few months. My friends all have new hats. 

2.  What's one product you use that never ever fails?

Oh, here are a few things that I use by brand name - and I won't take anything else:

  • Mazda cars
  • Heinz baked beans
  • The recycled loo paper with frogs on it
  • Bickfords lime cordial
  • Hendricks gin. 

3. Have you found your place in the world? Where is it?

Yes. And where ever I am. It's taken a long time, but I'm comfortable in my own skin. I know this is a simple answer, but it's the truth. 

4.  Worst movie you ever saw?

I've seen a lot of bad movies, but Sex in the City II was particularly heinous. Truly awful. I walked out of Sin City, more for the gratuitous violence than anything else. And I really didn't like King Arthur, even though Clive Owen is in it. 

5. What's the last fun thing you did?

We've been in lockdown for most of the last 18 months, so fun is thin on the ground. But I have been for some lovely walks with people. That's fun. I got carded by the cops yesterday on my way to collect the mail - that was fun (I was waved through - they were looking for protesters - I'm a middle aged woman in a mask - seemingly little threat). I started an editing course last wee. That's fun too. Not big fun, but fun. 

6. What's your favorite Italian dish?

Chicken Marsala or Chicken Diavolo. Failing that, a good mushroom pizza. 

7. Have you ever been to France? Any desire to visit there, and if so what would site or city would you most want to see?

The answer is yes and no. I've been to Paris, twice. But this is not the real France. It's like saying Sydney is Australia or New York is America or London is Britain. I'd love to see more of France, particularly around Brittany, Normandy and down the South. It's a big country. 

8. Have you ever been to Disney, any of the parks at all? Are you a Disney superfan or something less than that? They're open right now so tell us, would you go if you had the time/money/a free trip?

Nope, never been to Disneyland - nor do I want to. I had a chance to go while I was in Hong Kong - not the same thing. Nor is EuroDisney the same, nor Disneyworld. I'm not big into theme parks. I did Universal Studios when I was in L.A. once twenty years ago. I enjoyed that. If I was given a ticket, I'd go, but it's not really my cup of tea. 

9. Your favorite place to go when you want to be quiet as a church mouse? Would those who know you well describe you as more church mouse or perhaps more like mighty mouse?

Strangely, I've been known to go sit in churches when I need some quiet time. There used to be a contemplation space in the church next door to where I was working. Mingary is a special place. I'll also find some space in nature if I need quiet time. Thankfully the river is nearly and you can get a bit of quiet around there. 

10. Do you bake your own bread? Last time you had hot out-of-the-oven homemade bread? What's your favorite kind of bread?

I don't bake my own bread. I don't each much bread. Last week I had a bahn mi from down the road, knowing the rolls are baked fresh that morning - bahn mi, for those not in the know, are Vietnamese sandwiches - fresh, fresh white crusty rolls, smeared with butter and pate, filled with barbeque pork or chicken, pickled carrots, cucumbers and spiced with hoisin sauce, chilli, coriander sprigs and crispy fried scallions. They are the absolute bomb. 

My favourite kind of bread is rustic sourdough fruit toast. Fruit toast is too morrish - but the more interesting it is made the better. I had a great loaf filled with dried figs last week. 

11. What's something you might say is 'the greatest thing since sliced bread'?

My timpanic body massager - also known as the bang bang machine, is awesome - especially as I can't get to the massage therapist the moment as they are still not operating. Soon, soon. 

12.  Share with us five little things you're grateful for today. Small blessings. One catch-they all must start with the letter T.

  • Tarts - Portugeuse Tarts - Jay is going to this special bakery in Thornbury that does them like you find in Lisbon or Porto
  • Time to read
  • Tactile crafts - I'm thankful for my knitting
  • Ted Lasso - quality television
  • Therapeutic hair appointments, booked for next Saturday. My hair hasn't been cut or coloured since May. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this. 

13. Tell us where you were and something about what life was like when you were 20- 21.

I was in Adelaide. I had caught glandular fever (I think it's known as mononeucleosis if you're an American). I was pretty miserable. 

14. What's on the menu at your house this week?

No idea - I haven't been to do the weekly food shop yet. Chicken and salad most nights I reckon. 

15. Something you recently purchased where a coupon was involved? Do you regularly shop with coupons? 

Oh, I bought an oodie nightshirt. I had a coupon through the web giving me $25 off so it seemed like a good deal. But coupons aren't a big thing here and other than the odd web bargain, I don't really use them. 

Today's song: 


  1. I'm with you on Ted Lasso! So sad the season is over and we have to wait until next year for Season 3.

  2. The sandwich bahn mi, sounds yummy!! Happy Sunday!

  3. Banh I love them. We had to flip a coin yesterday to decide what to eat because we were torn between our favorite Pop-Up Dumpling House and Code Bakery and Banh Mi across the parking lot. Dumplings won, lol. It was worth it.

  4. Oh--I should have thought of Ted Lasso! I just started watching it and I love it!

  5. Hi Pand,

    #3 - I can see what you mean - and I agree.

    #10 - Ah - bahn mi - I was in Vietnam and I loved them. We get them in the UK too.

    #12 - Portuguese tarts - we had some wonderful ones in Lisbon. I could have eaten loads of them.

    Good song choice too.



