Sunday, October 31, 2021

October Check In - November Goals

 And it is that time of the month again. 

Goal setting for the month. Which makes a change from doing the Sunday Stealing questions which I did last night. 

So, how did we go last month?

Read four books.

Nearly acheived this. 

I finished the following:

  • Emma Viskic's Resurrection Bay
  • Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything
  • Jessie Tu's A Lonely Girl is a Dangerous Thing
I'm about halfway through listening to My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell and Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway.  So this was nearly there. I also reached my year's reading goal of reading 40 books in the calendar year. 

Try and close the rings on my Apple Watch at least 25 times in the month.

Also a nearly - Managed 24 circle completions out of 25. Not a bad effort. I've been making a concerted effort to get exercise in. It's working. 

Attend that editing course. 

Tomorrow night is week four. Loving it. I do have to get 3000 words ready to hand over tomorrow night, but that's the fun of it all.

Go and have a picnic with somebody who isn't Jay or Cleo.

Actually did one better than this. I had a meal in a restaurant (okay, burger bar, but I didn't have to cook it or wash up after myself). Jonella, Thom and Norty and I met up for an early dinner before I went to the hairdresser. It was wonderful.  

Hoover and mop once a week.

Have got better at this. I have hoovered one a week. I've mopped twice this month. So this is a vast improvement. This is why we set goals? Yes?

Eliminate ice cream and chocolate

Yeah, this didn't happen either, but I've seriously cut down my sweets consumption - and I'm feeling better for it. 

And my goals for November:

Read four books.

I love this goal. It's keeping my reading up - and besides, I bought a couple more books this weekend - they need to be read - and my Hemingway Chair is coming on Tuesday. 

Use the gym three times a week

The gym is open again. I need to justify my membership, considering I see Cleo the trainer at another studio and I'm paying for some online classes with the wonderful Annie. So, this month I want to see if this can be justified. I went back to the gym this morning. It was great. 

Hoover and mop once a week.

I'm getting better at this - need to get even betterer. And once I conquer this, then I might make my goal around dusting, which I hate even more than mopping. 

Participate in NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month. Write 50000 words of your novel over November - or give it a bloody good crack. I don't think I can get to 50000 words, but I will give it a crack. I need to start from scratch again. I have a lot that I can incorporate into the novel, but I want a fresh start - so that is what I am giving myself. The prompt board is set up. I have a long weekend coming up. I am giving myself permission to write badly but write loads. Get the ideas out there. 

See two movies

Again, needs to be done. It's been too long since I've been in a movie theatre and I want to keep supporting the arts while we transition to this COVID Normal arrangement, whatever that may be . 

Today's Song: 

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