Monday, November 1, 2021

The Pseudo Public Holiday

They should just call the day before Melbourne Cup day as a public holiday and be done with it.

I'm working. And getting a lot done because nobody is in. 

If you can, you take the day before Cup Day off. Use your holiday, because it looks suss if you call in sick on this most auspicious of pseudo-public holidays. 

I won't go into the politics of taking a day off for a horse race. Last year I had a discussion about horse racing with Blarney. She likes it. I don't. I think it's a pointless sport and it's cruel. She doesn't. I think it glamorises gambling and bad behavior. Blarney doesn't have a problem with it. I don't have an actual big problem with it all, but I actively choose not to participate in the day. What other people think of it is none of my business, and I'm not going to stop them. 

Being a pseudo public holiday and having next to no meetings, I snuck out for a late lunch and to get my eyebrows waxed. It's very strange seeing the shopping centre filled with people. It still feels strange to be able to go into shops to buy things. So far, a set of tumblers, a new yoga mat and some underpants have been procured. For the record, my old yoga mat was perishing after years of occasional use. It will be nice to use the new yoga mat and not have the floor covered in detritus. 

It still feels strange not wearing a mask outside. 

Anyway, for a pseudo-public holiday, it has been lovely and relaxing. Quite a lot of work was completed. I helped arrange the laptop for our new team member, working with our lovely, but lacksidasical IT duded. To be honest, it was just nice not to have meetings all day. 

And tomorrow will be even quieter and hopefully I'll get more work done. 

So now is the time to get some real writing done. It's NaNoWriMo - even if I get 500 words done, I'll have acheived more than working and getting my eyebrows waxed.

Today's song: 

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