Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Happiness is...

 A reading chair. 

I remember seeing this chair at my friend Millie's place a long time ago, back before she had children. It's a huge armchair come chaise langue. It was purchased at Freedom. It's called the Hemingway chair. I remember pricing it up after seeing it, I was that much in love with the thing. Then I thought the better of it and let it ride, but now and then, I have thought about that Hemingway chair - half armchair, half chaise, overstuffed, about as wide as a single mattress and very comfortable looking. 

A few months ago, Millie asked if I wanted the chair. It had been residing in her daughter's room, but now they need to get her a desk and they have no room for it. She wanted nothing for it. 

Of course, without really thinking, I jumped at the offer. 

Then I thought the better of it, and lockdown came and that was it. 

Lockdown ended, and Millie said she was willing to hand the chair over still. Today, the object of my affection came my way. 

Millie dropped it off this morning. It fit snuggly in the back her her husband's big ute. 

It's deceptively light. Just awkward. 

I thanked Millie with a bottle of gin seeing she didn't want anything. Just a small thank you. Bombay Sapphire never goes astray. 

Then, at ten a.m., a couple of fellows I found on Airtasker came over and took it up the stairs for me. It was awkward, but I tipped them handsomely, firstly, for working on a public holiday, and secondly, for being punctual and efficient. 

Ten minutes later, Barney came over and fixed the wonky leg (rather pleased that the Airtasker guys had been and gone). It was a matter of putting the offending plate back in, rotating it 45 degrees, drilling a couple of holes for the screws, putting some soap on the screws and screwing them in. Fixed in ten minutes.  That cost me a cup of coffee at the local cafe. 

And now the object of my desire is sitting in my spare room, wonky leg fixed, book sitting near the arm, a picture of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona looking over the scene. It will be an excuse to keep the spare room tidy. It will be a great incentive to read more.

I spent my lunch break curled up in my chair reading a book. It's even more comfortable than it looks. 

And I think I am the luckiest girl in the world. Yes, I have a flat of my own, but I now have the chair of my dreams. (and lovely friends who donate their unwanted items and friends who own a drill and a bit of handyman knowhow.

Today's song:

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