Monday, October 4, 2021

Ruebens and Respite

We went on a 'picnic' because we could - and it was allowed. Mandated you could say. 

We're both double vaccinated. 

We were both within 15 kilometres from our front doors. 

And my favourite Jewish deli was open for takeaway. 

I've talked about my love of Cafe D'Lish on Bambra Road in Caulfield. And being about halfway between us, Jonella and I decided to have a picnic of sorts. We haven't seen each other face to face since July, though we talk or message most days.

And Cafe D'Lish was a great choice. 

Firstly, Jonella has never been there, despite her heritage and me raving about this place since I first met her over ten years ago. Mind you, if you want good bagels and challah, Glicks is the place to go - and I have a sneaking suspicion this is where D'Lish source their baked goods. But still, it's a consistently great cafe and it has been for over a decade (even if the in-house service can be up and down, especially if you're in a rush). 

Secondly, although we could have brought food with us, but grabbing a sandwich and a coffee from my one of my favourite places sounded like a good thing. 

And thirdly, we're both over lockdown so getting out was needed. 

How good is it to walk into a place and be greeted by the owner? I've known Izzy for over fifteen years, back when he had colour in his hair and he didn't have children. His first question was, "Where are the rest of you?", meaning where was the rest of the meditation class who I normally eat with when we go there.  

I introduced him to Jonella, said we were getting a takeaway and we ordered lunch. It was great to see the place had steady trade going through the doors. We talked to the local dogs as we waited outside. Izzy said there's often a queue of Golden Retrievers out front from 7 am most mornings. I'd like to see that. 

The place has such a great vibe. 

Lunch came quickly. Gee they do a wicked Reuben. Good coffee too. 

Pastrami and saurkraut, with pickles and horseradish on lightly toasted light rye. What more do you want?

We took our coffees and Reubens and found a bench in the neighbouring park, where we proceeded to eat, sip and talk for the next hour and a half, all the while talking to the friendly dogs who approached us on this warm, overcast afternoon. We moaned about how friends and family in far-flung places like Adelaide and Tasmania were out having pub lunches. We talked about how we were coping with this seemingly never-ending purgatory. We discussed some of the rulings, and had very different views, mostly due to our circumstances. But everybody has to do what they have to do in these times. 

Then the weather started to close in, our sandwiches and coffee long gone. 

A quick trip to collect some bagels and we said goodbye - Jonella with her birthday present under her arm. Her birthday's in two weeks. It's nice to have something to open on the day. I'm rather amazed at my forethought. Even more miraculous, I found wrapping paper and sticky tape to make it a proper present. 

And then we said goodbye.

But for a little while, just a little while, things felt normal again. That was the best thing of all. 

Today's song: 

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