Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Facebook Questions

 It's another Saturday night/Sunday morning here in lockdown central. I'm still in bad need of: 

  • My hairdresser (last seen for a cut in May)
  • My legwaxer (last seen in June)
  • My eyebrow girl (also last seen early July)
  • A movie (last film I saw was in early July)
  • A play (I think that was in May when I was last in a theatre)
  • Dinner with friends (nothing done other than dinner with Blarney once a week since July)
  • A holiday. (Last plane ride was in March last year)
Yep, still over lockdown, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The vaccinations rates are finally getting up there. Still. I'm over it.. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

Song of the Day has moved to the 80s. 

 1. Do you like blue cheese? 

Yes. I really like blue cheese. I also forget that some people don't like it, but I don't understand why. I remember gathering a picnic for a friend once, and I turned up. My first comment was, 'Oh my goodness, I don't know if you like blue cheese or not. This could be the end of a lovely friendship.' Thankfully, he did like it. Phew. 

Also, as much as I like blue cheese, it doesn't like me that much. To be eaten in strict moderation. 

2. Coke or Pepsi? 

Oh Coke. I actively don't like Pepsi. Mind you, I couldn't tell you the last time I had a coke. And I did tend to drink Coke Zero when I did drink it. As I gave up caffeine about three years ago it's a bit of a moot point. 

3. Do you own a gun?

Hell, no. Why would I want one of them? I'm not a soldier, policeman, gun club member nor do I live on a farm. Gun ownership is not a big thing in the cities in Australia. We've got a very different view to gun ownership over here than they do in America. 

4. Hot dogs or cheeseburgers? 

Um, not a big thing over here, and we do them very differently. I do love a good burger, but I also have a hankering for the hot dogs we got as a kid. The bun is toasted on a spit, before butter is swilled around the hole, then you add tomato sauce (ketchup) and they are the best thing ever. The Keith Roadhouse does a very good, traditional Australian hot dog. It's on the way to Adelaide. It's all in the toasting of the bun in the middle. Trust me. The nearest we get to American hot dogs here are found at Ikea. 

5. Favorite type of food?

Oh, that would be a toss up between Vietnamese, Mexican and Japanese. I like them all, really. 

I also love a good Chinese. Oh to return to Hong Kong, where the food is amazing. And plentiful. 

6. What do you drink in the morning? 

Water and my normal Almond decaf latte. Mornings are not the same without fake coffee. 

7. Can you do a 100 pushups? 

From my knees, yes. I can do around 20 from my toes. Unfortunately, I have a sore shoulder which makes full pushups a bit hard at the moment. 

8. Tattoos? 

One. It's a very small Chinese symbol which rests on my hip. Out of sight, out of mind I say. 

9. Do you wear glasses? 

Yes, but not as much as I did. I need them for driving and distances, but have to take them off to read my phone. And I'm not getting multi-focals. I'm too vain (and proud) for that. 

10. Phobia? 

Snakes and huntsman spiders - or any big hairy spider. Horrible things. 

11. Piercings? 

Just my ears. Twice. 

12. Can you whistle? 

Yes. My grandfather taught me to whistle when I was about four, much to my parent's chagrin. I remember that well. I was in the back of his old Beetle. My grandfather was the best. 

13. Surgeries? 

A couple. I had my legs fixed twice when I was a child. Since then there have been a couple of gyneacological procedures. Thankfully nothing major, but they've been done and they fixed up the issues. 

14. Like gambling?

Not really. Other than the fairly regular lottery ticket that's it. I don't like the casino, nor to I bet on the horses or the dogs. It's just not in my makeup. 

15. Do you like to dance?

Yes and no. Not in public. But I have just started doing a dance class online and I'm loving it, even if I look like a fridge when I dance. It's quite liberating. 

Today's song: 


  1. Sorry to hear about lockdown. You seem to have it really bad over there. Let's hope things get better soon.

    Dancing can be fun. You just nned to ignore what other people think of your technique. Works for me even though I may look like a drunk ape.




  2. That hot dog bun sounds delicious!! Although I don't think I could do the ketchup...

  3. Sorry to hear you are still in lockdown! Snakes are a fear of mine as well.. I so hated going in he reptile parts of the zoos with my boys when they were little... creeped me out!

    Happy Sunday!

  4. Your idea of a hot dog sounds yummy.
